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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Agreed. Agreed...I think it's somewhere in the neighborhood of half what the county has spent on legal fees. Not gonna swear to it, and am too busy to wade back through the threads. But it's there somewhere (prolly in more than one place).
  2. Damn. What a sorry situation. This one on the heels of NC's just chaps my arse. I agree with Mark...call 911 next time. Maybe if THEY have to deal with something AC should have taken care of, AC will be more responsive when you call next time. Aside from that, and coming from a total pet lover, I concur that shooting it would be totally legit if it comes in your yard again. Really? Insightful input. Thank you.
  3. OH EM GEE...that is my sister straight up and down. She's 46 now, and has improved SOME. Mostly by experience of getting badly burned by stupid people she chose to associate with. She gave our parents fits. But her sorry-arse friend choices have cost her terribly in life. TERRIBLY. And our entire family as well. Anything you can do to help him see this will benefit him later in life. Perhaps you can work on figuring out why he is so easily influenced. Does he feel "less-than"? Does he have a very low opinion of himself and just needs/wants desperately to be liked/fit in? How ca
  4. It'll be worth it...fishnthec is correct...keep your eye on the prize. You will be SO HAPPY when you can sleep there and close your eyes at night knowing that every nook and cranny has been cleaned to within an inch of its life.
  5. IBM CU does with a minimum level of money in the account, I believe.
  6. Reality discipline. You gotta love it.
  7. I like you. I'm still laughing at the eye-rolling thing. HAHAHAHAHA
  8. OK, here's my question: If they were so dang worried about how long it took Judge Beavers to rule on the anti-SLAPP motion (what they've appealed, if I'm not mistaken), how come they didn't appeal when the ruling came down INSTEAD OF when they got the information on how much they would have to pay? Why did they wait eight months after the ruling to appeal how long the ruling took? (This is a rhetorical question.) Actually, this disappointment in our leaders is our fault. You have to have expectations of someone in order for them to disappoint you. THAT was our mistake...expecting them
  9. You go, girl!!! I would have stopped to help. Sowwy I was stuck at work and don't live anywhere near you.
  10. CC, your kid know MMP's kid? If so, separate immediately. If not, never let them meet!
  11. Yeah, I sent a certified letter that really needed to get to the recipient in a timely manner (duh), and it's still not there 3 1/2 weeks later. AND the PO hasn't delivered it back to me. GRRRRRRRR... But hey - they're unionized. They're like the phone company...as SNL used to say, "We're the phone company...we don't care, 'cause we don't have to!"
  12. Good move. I know it wouldn't be easy on a relative, but dang...those poor kidlets need somebody to stand up for them. I got the willies just reading your post.
  13. Did you call child protective services?
  14. I know some folks who have a 2nd home in Buckhead that would sell for $3M easy (older ranch but on a nice size lot). The inside...YECH. And they have a maid. She just cleans around the crap.
  15. This was my first thought when I read the OP - mental/emotional problems. I'm guessing she hates it (and herself), but something is terribly wrong inside. Not unlike true hoarders.
  16. I will agree with this. I know I couldn't do all you do.
  17. I like the acronym. I should think the VERY LEAST a neighborhood could do is join the SO's neighborhood watch program.
  18. It is. Good heavens. Are y'all starting one of those polygamy reality shows? Ahhh. Pcom relational info. Thanks, #2.
  19. I do not know gang stuff. I'm thinkin' I need a course.
  20. Sowwy...my paid membership ran out. I'll run check.
  21. I thought about you the other day and wondered how y'all are doing. I didn't want to send you a PM because I've been there and know how full every day is. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
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