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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. :hanginghead: Please don't make me.
  2. This made me spew Diet Coke out of my nose. HAHAHA
  3. Oh, Lord - this is gonna head downhill fast. You get a special hug.
  4. hahahahahaha Y'all crack me up. hahahahaa (And thanks for the unconditional love. )
  5. http://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta/hairy-tale-of-giant-1186658.html
  6. YES!!!!!!! YES, YES, YES, YES YES!!!!!!! This is huge. You will need to learn to value yourself. You are VALUABLE, no matter what anyone else thinks or says. You are a priceless treasure; no one else like you exists in the world, nor has anyone else just like you ever existed. You are like a piece of fine china...to be cherished and kept in a good place. Do that for yourself. It's the beginning of everything, as WFAL says.
  7. I don't know you, either, OP, but my heart goes out to you. How many of us have been exactly where you are!!! Darker than dark...lonelier than lonely. Please do take WFAL up on the lunch thing. And please don't hesitate to see a dr. I was so opposed to taking anything for depression that I resisted that for a LONG TIME. What I didn't realize was that the medication doesn't make you a zombie (not if they give you the right kind); it just sort of stabilizes your emotions and gives you a breathing space till you can get your head in a good place again. (This is if you do it right and d
  8. My sister dressed up nephew as a biker with a Harley shirt, sunglasses, do-rag, etc., when he was about six months old...CUTEST PICS EVER. We had a ball. Heck, yeah, I'd dress him up and take him around, esp. to places where you know people. They will love it. I WANT HIM. Just sayin'.
  9. Crap. I hate crying at movies. I'll have to take a box of Kleenex with me. These guys are GOOD.
  10. Corn Palace! Yes! LOVELY. It was a Lewis and Clark scene the year we were there. There's a Cabela's there, too. :happysigh:
  11. Just beware of cranky patients if you work in a hospital third shift and you have to wake them up at 5am to draw blood so the results can be on the chart by the time drs. make rounds in the early morning. :shudderingatbadcollegememories:
  12. Y'all musta seen something in Mt. Airy I didn't see, 'cause I thought it was kinda dull. The Parkway and Skyline Drive - AWESOME!!! Grandfather Mtn., Blowing Rock, Banner Elk, simply AWESOME. Just go slow and explore. One of my favorite places on this earth.
  13. Yes, I think it's a great idea for an incumbent who lost his seat by 74% (or whatever) in the primary of his own party to think of running for even higher office. And that's just what we need in DC...more of his ilk. Ye gods.
  14. I'm an advocate for the death penalty, when properly administered (which is not here in the US, with inmates waiting on Death Row - which I know is because of their appeals, but still - for DECADES). However, this case has bothered me a LOT. To me, when there is ANY DOUBT, one should err on the side of life. I understand a cop was murdered, but IF he didn't do it, it doesn't make the cop's death any more avenged if the wrong man is put to death. The whole thing just makes me sad.
  15. Oh, ok. I couldn't figure out what that meant. But what a pain (in more ways than one) for you! PS - Glad to know about Gleemp, too. But that means Mrs. B is the clueless one.
  16. My mother had one show up once in the spring and buzz her and chatter at her because she didn't have the feeder up yet. The little rascals are just precious. Yes, they are tanking up and getting ready to head on out. But one year recently, they stayed till nearly November...it was one of those years with several hurricanes in the Gulf/western Caribbean in September and October and I wondered if they knew those storms were there. Cool, huh?
  17. OK, I'm totally laughing at your pic, Laurie. But what is an overgrown foot? I thought gleemp was a man. Apparently I'm really bad at this.
  18. Truly one of the stupider things our government has EVER done.
  19. Didn't go to Deadwood, but the Black Hills area of SD is one of the loveliest places in the US, IMHO. I could TOTALLY live there, and that's saying something. There's only about five places in the US I say that of besides here (acknowledging that I could live anywhere if I had to), and that's one of them. LOVELY and fascinating. Go to the site of Custer's Last Stand nearby in Montana if you go, as well.
  20. Yeppers. She said a lot of words that included "tea party", but she didn't strike me as an authentic tea party person. She didn't get my vote, either.
  21. Awesome. I couldn't go yesterday, but am very happy with the vote. I hope we can get some new board members in next.
  22. Fundraiser for Gary Gulledge, if I'm not mistaken. Tickets were a bit pricey for me, but I couldn't go anyway. I'll bet it was a good show...
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