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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. My knee-jerk reaction is you'd be wasting your money. BUT I'd ask somebody more in the know, like DGITW. She keeps up with things.
  2. I personally don't have experience with Type 2 Diabetes, but I hear the DASH diet that works so well for blood pressure is good for that as well. It was Consumer Report's (or was it US News and World Report?) #1 weight loss diet from last year. You can get the book (or books...there's more than one) from Amazon or any bookstore, I'm sure. I think it does the more than 3 meals a day thing and is fairly low-carb. The Mayo Clinic diet was the #2 weight loss diet. (I thought it was interesting that those two self programs worked better than the fancy programs with counselors and special food
  3. Go DirecTV...you'll never look back. This is correct. I'm not for SOPA or any of the internet control bills.
  4. Yeah, I'm right there with you, Chelle. DANG, but I hate that. I generally take 1/4 of a regular Ambien (the generic, not the CR, which I think stands for Controlled Release), and it usually helps me sleep. Any more than that gives me a hangover the next morning. I used to be a good sleeper, but my father was sick for several years before he died, and he had dementia, which meant he was up part or all of every night. I helped my mother care for him, and that meant we were up when he was up. I was working full-time, keeping up my house an hour away, staying with them, and not getting near
  5. Crap. I hate to hear stuff like this!!! I will certainly add her to my prayers. As GT says, God is very definitely still in the miracle bidness. Please keep us posted.
  6. Yes, he is! He looks nice, and is always smiling. But best of all, his voice is still in incredible shape! I don't know if any of y'all listen to his big band/standards stuff, but he's better than most young music people out there. WAY better even than his rock stuff.
  7. Bono's glasses scare me. By the by - I saw Roger Daltrey the other day on Top Gear, and he looked great. The show was a year or two old, but it made me happy to see him doing well.
  8. You may also want to PM Starr & Dru's Nana...she has experience with this, and in west Cobb. Also - I feel for where you are. Folks who haven't experienced dementia just don't realize what a stressful, surreal world it is. I pray God's strength and comfort for your family.
  9. I thought I was the only one who did that! It's disgusting to leave the theatre looking all trashy. Chaps my arse the way some people behave. Or don't.
  10. Saw that. He's a great guy...he'll do well in SSPD. And I have heard great things about the Sandy Springs PD, so I think it'll be a terrific match.
  11. I totally get the Jude Law and Stevie Nicks ones. I don't think I have a celeb look-a-like. I don't know...who?
  12. This is hilarious! I watched it some, but I would probably love seeing the old episodes. This is great! I like you.
  13. "Jailhouse religion" aside, you are correct. The numbers should be inverse to what they are. My opinion is that while tens of millions of people call themselves Christian (not differentiating between denoms here), many/most of them don't allow their so-called belief system make any difference in their lives. That is to say, instead of allowing Christianity being the guiding force in their lives, they simply tack Christianity on to the rest of their lives and think they've done a good thing. Many churches could take the name off the building and call themselves a social club and there would
  14. Agreed. I'm still just aghast at the stupidity of this woman's statements. And yes, Santorum is def. playing into the prejudice thing, as well as harping continuously (ad nauseum) on gay marriage. And the a-word and birth control. I am hoping against hope he is not the nominee. I am as anti-a-word as anybody on the planet (more than most everybody else I know) but this is NOT an issue for Presidential politics. :sigh:
  15. hahaa Yeah, I noticed that, too.
  16. Can't get it in eyes? And no scrapes or cuts? And this is for toddlers? I note the label doesn't list ingredients.
  17. Eww. Sounds gross. My 4yo nephew prefers shaving cream. Bath time is never an issue since we discovered this.
  18. Why? Somebody might need to know some valuable wrapping information. When are we trick-or-treating this year again?
  19. I promise you - that would totally be my youngest nephew. Fearless doesn't begin to describe the boy. Even from when he was tiny...he couldn't even sit up yet and he had this "you want a piece of me?" look about him. Hilarious.
  20. I'll go in halfsies. She is our favorite weirdo, after all.
  21. I'm guessing Jeanne O'Halleran (sp?) commerce member here would do a free consult. Also, tbird works for or used to work for a bankruptcy atty., I believe.
  22. That sounds like an episode of South Park. I could not believe my eyes when I read her quote. Why on EARTH a) would somebody think such a thing, and 2) SAY such a thing, even if she were dumb enough to believe it? This is wrong on SO. MANY. LEVELS.
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