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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. This is my biggest point to the religious/church folks who are opposed. If they have a moral objection, fine; that's their right. But don't pretend that heterosexual couples aren't destroying the very foundations of marriage and the nuclear family by the incredible divorce rates. And multiple divorces per person, many times. I'm sure I'd be appalled if I counted all the people I know who have been married more than three times with the first three ending in divorce. I can think of half a dozen right now. :sigh:
  2. I knew they were all gonna die. The blooms, that is. I still think we're gonna get hit with a big cold snap and blizzard before true spring.
  3. I don't have a good argument as to why it should be outlawed. I think the government should stay out of people's lives. My only thought on the issue is that any church which has a stand against such shouldn't be forced to perform said marriage. But since churches are already free to not marry people whose marriage they believe they shouldn't sanction, I don't see that that would be an issue. I personally like the idea of the government doing civil unions for everybody (all marriages) like some European countries do, and then if you want to get married in a church, get married in a churc
  4. I'm not scared of snakes, and I can put on bug spray for the skeeters. But I HATE gnats!!! It'd have to be a really special property to make me want to live below the Gnat Line. However, I looked up this little town on the map, and it's quite close to the coast, so there is that. I'm with Feelip - check it out mid-summer and see what you think.
  5. I agree with Blondie. Your daughter is way mature enough to handle something like that from the way you've described her in your posts. Also, kids' imaginations can conjure up far worse things than what actually is.
  6. Nah. The cat woulda made YOU tote it in there for her.
  7. Well, I'd hate for anybody to get hurt. Just sayin'...
  8. It was a Very Bad Day when I found out you can buy Thin Mints any day of the year at Dollar General under the name Mint Thins. I have to FORCE myself to drive right on by. Except the days I don't drive right on by. :oinkoinksnortsnortsqueeeeeeeeeal:
  9. HA!!! For once! We loves you, babe. I'm guessin' all that free time has got you all messed up schedule-wise.
  10. Hmmmm...I thought it was last night. I prepared for teh crazee for nothing.
  11. Oh, and I certainly took it that way!
  12. You mean SNOW? :laighingmaniacalevillaugh:
  13. Truly, I am so sorry. (PS - I believe the OP's post about Fred's was a joke.)
  14. Sorry - I meant the Ohio part. I couldn't remember the city. I love you.
  15. HAHAHAA We really ARE twins. I will forever be saying something around the house that nobody pays attention to and then something happens that I said would, and then I'm all martyrish and heave a big sigh and say sadly, "Nobody listens to Mei Lan." hahahahahaaa
  16. That's the only time it's ever done that in at least 100 years. It was something to behold. You'll laugh at this...growing up, I thought everybody in the north loved the cold and snow, and I always wished we had more. When I got out of college and moved to Atlanta and started working with a lot of northerners, I quickly found out that most of them hated it!!! The folks I worked with would kid about having tree bark under their fingernails to keep from being transferred back up north.
  17. True story. And it's not because we're particularly stupid or clueless (although we may be, but not because of this)...it's because when it snows down here, it mostly combines with ice, and ice is hell to try to drive in. Also, when anything on the roads freeze, as CO says, we have black ice, and that's even worse. I think the city of Atlanta had something like two or three snow plow attachments, but they bought some more last year, IIRC. At any rate, us'ns out here in the hinterlands are pretty much on our own. I live in a very hilly/curvy subdivision, but in the big snow last year (5"),
  18. I'm serious. CL is the debil. And I mean that in the worst possible way. So the ad said send whatever to your phone #, as if they were you? THAT'S DISGUSTING! What if it had been a teenager who had that number? Can your cell provider do something?
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