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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Shut your face, ho. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  2. I've been through Elmira, NY! Pretty country up there. I lived in Atlanta but was in Rome with my father because my mother had to work at the hospital that weekend and he was getting older and I didn't want him to be alone. Rome got 23" and I fell into a drift up to my shoulder (about 5'). We were without power for eight days. Daddy was worried about his cows (he had about 25), but they had taken shelter in the woods at the back of his big pasture, and when the snow stopped the following day, we were headed to go check on them and here they came tramping through the snow to get to the pon
  3. My bad. I meant it in the best possible way. Some of nicest people are geeks!
  4. No. YOU come over to the darker side. We have brownies and George Clooney. (Mostly brownies. )
  5. See, on the surface, that sounds great. But you're a woman and you're seeing her as a woman sees her. He's not. God love 'em, but men can be so dense sometimes when it comes to women. In the book "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin deBecker (I swear, he needs to pay me a fee for doing so much advertising for him!)...anyhoo, in that book, he talks about abusers and the women who stay with them. He says he uses examples of the man as the abuser and the woman as the abused because that's the way it happens most of the time, but that there are cases where it's the other way around. But he says th
  6. Yeah, I'm back from lunch now...I'll head on over, too. We're such geeks.
  7. Rather common with an addictive personality, I'd say. Isn't she the one that it took you forever to get her to agree to go to rehab? Am I remembering that correctly? Bless your heart.
  8. Twins! I've been checking the GON web site along; haven't looked at Talk Weather lately. But they've been saying for awhile that they expected something the first or second week of February. I've had this feeling we're gonna get hit but good because it's been SO warm, and the apple trees near my office are in full bloom. And of course you recall that the blizzard of 1993 was on March 12-13.
  9. Can't access the story 'cause I'm a FB refusenik, but wasn't that where the dude was that she texted she was going to visit?
  10. Good heavens - I haven't thought of Hal Suit in FOREVER! Now, that's going back aways! I also found out last night that Justin Farmer, who has taken over for John Pruitt, is Don Farmer's son. We could add Pruitt to that list of long-time anchors, since he wound up there after Channel 11 stupidly dumped him a long time ago (mid-late 80s?). I remember I wrote him a note and told him how much I had appreciated his fine reporting, and he sent me a hand-written thank-you note.
  11. Very well said, lowrider. I'm telling you - counseling is SOOOOO beneficial!! And with coming out of a nearly-30-year marriage, yeah, I'd say he could use some. I'm not talking 8 months inpatient therapy. I'm talking maybe every week or two for a few weeks to talk to the counselor to let out everything he's feeling and then get the counselor's thoughts on the matter. BTW - I'd recommend that even if he weren't involved with anyone. A marriage that long and that miserable is BOUND to have some scars and scary stuff to deal with. PS - Counselors ask a lot of questions. It seems annoyi
  12. She does lean a little towards the Drama Queen side of life.
  13. OHMYGOD. There's not a corner of hell that is too hot for this evil putz. Well, those babies are safe in the arms of Jesus now where no more harm can get to them. :sheakingheadnadfightingtears: :cray: :cray:
  14. Saw her last night talking about it. She's so cute...a total fixture in Atlanta! It'll be the end of an era when Glenn Burns joins her and John in retirement. :sniff:
  15. Now I will totally agree with this. People don't really know what goes on behind closed doors. How many times have you heard, "But they were the perfect family!" Riiiight. And I guarantee you that there were still signs visible to the outsider, BUT as you said, people see what they want to see, and conversely, don't see what they don't want to see. Some years back the wife of a prominent minister divorced him and everyone was like oh how dare she he is such an awesome person, bless his heart, blah, blah, blah. I knew him and their children and had met her, and I knew some of the backgrou
  16. Ditto that, chickie. I just can't deal with that sort of thing. I know it goes on, but if I think about it too long, I'd just start throwing up and crying nonstop. I know...I'm a wimp.
  17. Hubs might want to clue him in to the fact that women can read other women like a BOOK. Just like men can read other men. Any word picture you can think to paint, or questions you can think to ask him (to help him realize what's going on), etc. Somewhere deep inside himself, he may feel inadequate and that he doesn't deserve anything good (being in a horrible relationship tends to do that), and he may also feel that this sort of crap is normal. It is totally not normal, but the dysfunctional mind may not see that.
  18. That is stupe! I say do this and put it in this and do whatever if you don't want it. Does it have the name of an organization on it? I looked up "lessons in faith dvd" and came up with a "Faith Lessons" DVD by some dude named Ray Vander Laan. I hate getting crap like that.
  19. Yeah, I'd be getting really, REEEEEEEEALLY tired of hearing about that by now. I suppose it depends on how much you value the friendship. If she (I'm assuming it's a she) is the type who would take unsolicited advice without having a meltdown, you could say that thing about you'd dump him after the second time. If she's not the type to take such advice well, you could hold your tongue and continue to just do the um-hmmm thing when she goes off on this tangent. OTOH, if she's serious about this guy, you also need to decide whether you want to say look, you're about to ruin your life. I lov
  20. mei lan

    Car keys

    Which CVS did you go to? Imma have to check that out.
  21. mei lan

    Car keys

    You can have one of those made at Home Depot or wherever with a regular blank. I had one made for my car which needs a chip key to start. But because you are only opening the door and not trying to start the car, it works great.
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