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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Yowsa. Between when I last looked at the topic and now, things sure went downhill. Glad that was split off. Also, glad Rodney's is still open, and sorry about Benson's being closed. I've never eaten at either, but they all seem like nice folks.
  2. I don't have the vaguest idea what you're talking about, but I gotta give you props for stick-to-it-ive-ness. And where's my chart? PS - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
  3. My guy wasn't. He just backed into the available space and sat there watching like everyone else.
  4. The DOT is required to install these due to federal regulations, or they won't get reimbursed by the feds. The feds don't give a rat's patootie what is there or what it looks like.
  5. We were there the other night, and some dweeb in a white SUV did the same thing!!! Swung around about four or five cars lined up waiting; I thought he might live in one of the houses down there, but no. He just backed into a parking spot. Hacked me right off. I hate rude people.
  6. That is a great song. It's sort of an old-time spiritual sound, and that's not very "in" these days. But we do have good taste, don't we?
  7. Some things get better with age, like fine wine.
  8. HAHAHAA Good one, S! Where's Jenilyn? She'll chime in soon enough. She's prolly at McD's right now stuffing her face...you'll know her by the bbq sauce dribbling down her chin.
  9. Ceiling Fan (and I do love that screen name), thanks for sharing! I had oft wondered about this, but had never heard anyone say anything who had direct experience. We do love our animules! stradial - Honey, you go right on ahead eating the litter box contents. I'm sure she didn't mean to deprive you of your fun.
  10. Key word there being "it". The unidentifiable amalgamation of who-knows-what masquerading as meat, slathered in bad BBQ sauce. Y'all have at it. My mother is beyond thrilled...she will eat one a day till they go away again. :bangingheadondesk: Edited on account of stradial's ill use of commas has rubbed off on me.
  11. My mother had the same thing a week ago, and she rarely gets sick. She was pitiful. And I, who get everythign that comes down the pike these days, didn't get it. Odd.
  12. Yes! I love you. I do. I'd ask you to marry me, but you just got engaged.
  13. I never had much success finding good stuff for 5yo nephew when he was that age. Sorry.
  14. Ooh, that sounds like a good concert. EXCEPT - Will they sing that hideously dreadful Christmas Shoes song? Deal. Breaker.
  15. Yeppers. And I like Carrie U., but I just don't see her as this. But whatever. Like any network exec anywhere cares what I think.
  16. Betcha the teeny-tiny wording buried deep inside the contract somewhere says that if the hotel/motel occupancy tax doesn't cover the bill, then taxpayers will cover. I would bet my paycheck on that one.
  17. HEAR, HEAR. I used to work with a social worker and she said you'd think that the NHs would treat the patients the best who had the most money. Not true...the NHs treat the best the patients who have family who check on them and visit them often. I totally second the showing up without an appointment thing. And make sure with them that you can visit your mom at any hour day or night as well. I will say in my many visits to nursing homes for previous job that one stood out to me - I don't remember the name, but it's several miles south of Douglasville out in the country. It smelled clean,
  18. The older I get, the more libertarian (little "l") I get. I swear Imma find me some land at the end of a looooooong dirt road which turns off a remote tiny road which is 1200 miles from teh nearest town. And I shall live there happily.
  19. What a great idea! I'm pretty sure the thrift stores will take them as well. Ooh, another good one.
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