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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. You are correct, of course, and besides medical bills/co-pays/etc., there's food they wouldn't normally buy, gas trips back and forth, etc. The expenses really mount up. And of course, this isn't taking into account a possible lawsuit. If the daycare's insurance is smart, they will settle quickly before things get out of hand. God, the things they have to think about and deal with...even if he were to make a fully recovery, their lives are changed forever. My SIL is a much stronger person for what she went through with 16yo nephew.
  2. Possible, but not probable. I don't think he would push as hard as he's pushing if he were Roderick. One other person (of the on-screen characters we've already seen) who could be Roderick is the black FBI dude who's in charge of the crew at Claire's house. The season and plotline are similar to 24, and I loved that, so we shall see. Do you mean you think she's in on it with Carroll, or do you mean something else entirely? Agreed that it's a plausible plotline, esp. with today's media access and knowledge and capabilities. And evil, of course. I haven't been keeping
  3. You know, I just had another thought while reading the background part, LR. Who is paying for his care? I should think they've surpassed $1M by now (or will shortly), and will probably see that much more to come. The two options I see are the Halstead's medical coverage or the daycare's insurance company. This is an academic question, of course, because Tripp's recovery is the real issue at hand. However, it is a reality and something his parents are having to deal with, I'm sure. I cannot IMAGINE the flood of paperwork they deal with on a regular basis. On top of everything else. G
  4. Agreed. And DirecTV said at the time, they were taking a stand because of all the other companies who would try to pull the same stunt. I thought they handled it very, very well.
  5. No, but I have a big ol' list of people I'd like to send.
  6. This says it all. The storming she mentions I do remember...brain injury patients sometimes get agitated, add it's due to the brain activity "storming" in clusters of activity, agitation, etc. I'm sure there's a better explanation of what it is, but with 16yo nephew, I stayed with him one night so SIL could go home (this was while he was still in a coma in TN), and he was storming so badly I had to hold his arms all night to keep him from taking out his trach and feeding tube. (He was 6'5" and in the pediatric unit...his legs were hanging off the bed...it was hilarious. I can say that now
  7. I agree...it would be a little obvious. I knew the blonde chick was bad, too, as soon as she said she'd go along with them because she knew the area. RE: the young guy - I suppose it could be he. He was wearing a vest, and that seems a little "off". I still don't get the lawyer chick. He chose her because she's ambitious, and then he had some dude cut two of her fingers off, so now she's motivated to help him? Also, she's another reason I was wondering about the head FBI chick...who is feeding her (the lawyer) the information that the FBI has on the search? Claire did rede
  8. Brain...melting...must...find...lolcat...
  9. OK, I thought that sounded familiar about the tone thing, so I looked it up. The muscles do assume a rigid tone many times after a brain injury. 16yo nephew was at Shepherd several years ago after a really bad car accident, and they put casts on both feet and one arm to force the muscles to flex and bend. The casts stayed on a few days, adn then when they came off, he was able to do PT. Bless their hearts. Praying for the surgery to go well and the little feller to be able to go home in a momth. http://main.uab.edu/tbi/show.asp?durki=56147 Der...edited to add link.
  10. The Viacom deal was what prompted DirecTV to not have all the Nickelodeon channels some months back, IIRC. They said you'll carry all the channels, and DirecTV said no, we won't. So they were at an impasse for a good while. There was a resolution, but I don't remember what it was.
  11. Oh my gosh...I can't believe what I'm reading! What are you thinking trying to get her off the IEP? Don't you know the ed-u-ca-tors (must say in a Marvin the Martian voice) know better than you peon parent person? Sheesh! GB - I agree with raclay (obviously). One thing I am REALLY big on is taking charge of your medical life. If a dr. says something you don't agree with, seek a second opinion. YOU are the customer; they are not the boss of you. I stopped an RN from giving me a bag of medicine that an ER dr. had ordered for me before he figured out what was causing my pain; the fluid
  12. Awwwww... :wub: 24 years old! I'm glad she made it back. Also, your avatar still traumatizes me.
  13. I had another thought - what is the experience of other libraries on book clubs? Are the clubs still popular? Are they popular with one group more than another group? (Urban v. rural, young v. old, affluent v. middle/lower class, etc.) Would a book club work better at either of the other two branches? Again, just brainstorming here, since I'm not a book club person myself.
  14. I wonder what she means by this? Anyhoo, bless their hearts. The exhaustion, the bad food, the not being home, the restarting of the countdown to go home, the constant setbacks...man that would wear on Jesus, and it surely does wear on people going through it. Thanks for the updates, LR.
  15. I can vouch for this. I also had a Cobb County liberry card (which is now $25/YEAR, not $20/TWO YEARS like it used to be) prior to the Crossroads branch opening. I had my doubts that I'd like it, but we found that we use the Crossroads branch (and asking for books to be transferred in like you can do at Cobb, etc.) ALL THE TIME, and we seldom used the Cobb/Brookstone branch. Their kids section is great (as good as the Cobb/Brookstone's), so 5yo nephew is happy, and they also have e-book lending. The Crossroads branch also has a big free lending section...it probably has another name, but m
  16. I could not believe my eyes when I first read that. The entire TREND is towards working from home, and she pulls this stunt? Is this a quick, easy way to cut the workforce without having to pay severance? And as you note - her hypocrisy is stunning here. Working from home improves productivity and costs the company SO MUCH LESS MONEY in capital expenses. Geez Louise. Huge thumbs down. I'd so be outta there.
  17. Who do you think Roderick is? I think it's the head FBI chick. She gave the book to Joe way back a few episodes ago. She has a cult background, which makes her a natural for the position, and she had the other head agent pulled off the case. She has a similar background to Emma. She also hasn't initiated any more thorough background checks for her team after the fiasco at the farmhouse. Your thoughts?
  18. I was thinking of this sign as well. 5yo nephew has ALWAYS looked people right in the eye (even strangers, like waiters, etc.) since he was tiny. That was one thing his pediatrician said to look for. My heart goes out to you parents of special needs children...Pubby, what you wrote was great, as well as Magic Mommy, et al. You have my undying admiration.
  19. Exactamundo. My dad had a good many ER visits during his illness, and we finally got to where we'd always choose the private hospital over the public one just for this reason. The last time I was at the public hospital ER, there were people in there for sniffles, prego tests, and a couple of girls who were jonesing for their latest fix of pain meds (it was OBVIOUS they were users and knew what to say and what to ask for to get the meds). I know all this because they were all talking about why there were there in full hearing of everybody there.
  20. It's over on a little side street near Brookstone (Mars Hill at Stilesboro). Sort of near the library and the Goodyear store and Zaxby's...right back in there.
  21. GAH!!! Me, too!!! Geez frickin' Louise...I got 'em bad.
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