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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. We watched that show. Truly amazed at the discoveries. I love to watch lightening anyway.
  2. May God bless his family. Thank you for fighting for freedom. Yes it is a worthy cause.
  3. I see two totally different arguments here. I also see how some people's passionate agenda gets in the way of other peoples morality. Breast feeding is perfectly fine but some folks have a problem about introducing it to "tottlers". Sex and hemmoroids are natural but you sure don't see Matel selling those types of dolls. JMHO.
  4. Check out that shirt. Gotta love it. I loved the part where he lit up at the beginning. Mr Sexy.
  5. What project are you guys working on? And, do you all have any wings left over? Just kidding. We worked at McKenna Farms today.
  6. Keep in mind that the gov't has already dug the mass graves in Arizona for such an outbreak. Containers are in place to seal up the bodies......................
  7. Funny responses coming from someone with the advertisement of TOLERANCE. If it was a religeous practice, you would be ok with it, right? Just making sure we are ALL consistant.
  8. Are they going to put an extra tax on the food at Ryans? Talk about your stimulus package. We could pay back the debt in less than a week. Come on people, is this the gov't some of you people voted for? Do you want the messiah PO telling you how to eat? Maybe for some of you, you probably do. How sad................................
  9. It is ashamed to see that some folks can't see the truth because they have their face crammed up the butt of some democrats. Enjoy the view.
  10. Does this mean that we don't have to use anymore tarp money? We can just put that away now, right? And if the healthcare issue is such a burden on the economy, with this news now, can we say we don't need this reform? I guess MSM won't go that far when talking about the recession, huh? By the way, this recession, according to the most high obama, is our fault anyway. We deserve what we get.
  11. We live in the South Paulding area and we love it. Kids go to the schools in SP and they are quite happy with them. Hope it turns out well for you guys too.
  12. Hale Automotive will give you the best service. They are licensed and insured. That is the best part. Just imagine if something happened to your car while in the care of another. Means alot to me. Always a plus to have a your mechanic certified too. Just some things to look for. Hale Automotive (Commerce Member) 770-943-1111
  13. Seems like I had this very conversation with an infamous poster a few months back. When are the states going to line up and start giving benefits to this dog? Yep, we all are going to have to start recognizing this as an "alternate" lifestyle. I see nothing wrong with this. Can't wait to see what the kids look like.
  14. I think I can make it. I see some of you reading, hope you all can make it.
  15. I can hear the Post Office now.............Get your pedifile stamp at the Post office ranch.....................and the directions will simply say.................."Just lick it, Just lick it"......................Somehow, I just don't see the general public embracing a man who's favorite kiddy drink was "Jesus Juice". I might be wrong.
  16. I agree, wholeheartedly. But there is one thing...............................How does everyone recognize me? Blazing Saddles, Ph. d.
  17. I believe that is correct. She appeared before an Israeli court the other day. All dressed up in her anti-American, see how stupid I look, self. I would love to see her make little rocks from big ones on the West Bank.
  18. A stamp? I ain't licking nothing of Michael Jackson's..........................
  19. You're right Eym Sirius. However, common sense will go a long way too.
  20. You know, I went back through this thread again this morning just to make sure I was reading everything right. You know how it is sometimes. It is late, or you're tired, or you just read too fast. I tried again and still I am amazed at the responses a couple of folks posted. Praise the Lord the only entrance into the ground on my property is a 30 ft pipe that directs water under my driveway. <I wonder if I need to put a door on both ends to keep folks out?> BTW, Steve Rogers, just click on your name history and it will show who you WERE. That's why I posted the name. Have
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