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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. Nothing but a good old case of vultures. They spread their wings to dry them and sometimes it helps to relieve heat in the summer.
  2. This was one of my first topics on pcom many moons ago. I was told by some to just get used to it. Even though it was keeping my child up all night long, one poster told me that my kid will get tired enough and fall asleep. I hope you get more "sympathy" than I did.
  3. I would like to give praise to our SO and Brandon Gurley for their timely manner in addressing the speeding teen this morning. I won't get into specifics but after speaking to him today, I am well pleased that all parties involved are in agreement with the circumstances and actions will probably be taken toward the kids by the parents. Thanks again Brandon. My whole intent was to make paulding a safer place and I hope one day these kids will see the benefit from this. It just might have saved a life.
  4. I was driving East on 120 at 8:00 am in front of Hardy Chevrolet approaching Hope Methodist and I looked in my mirror and was shocked. A teenager, maybe 18, was approaching my vehicle at a high rate of speed. He passed me on the right going at least 90 and maybe 100 mph. I was traveling 60 and he passed me like I was standing still. He proceeded to find his way through slower traffic until he came up to the light at 92. He got into the turning lane as if EPHS was his destination. He had to sit in the turning lane because of the red light and I was able to get behind him. The driver was
  5. The burgandy pick up has Floors by Anton written on the side. Don't know anymore about the SUV. My wife couldn't tell if it was a toyota or chevy.
  6. Red Pick up with business markings and a powder blue SUV were involved in a serious wreck at SPHS. The powder blue SUV landed on its roof. Completely upside down.
  7. Either day would work for me. Would love to see the "gang" again. And possible new recruits. Aw heck. Everyone is invited. I'll bring my badge.
  8. Wow, all because of a fish. I hope nobody sees me take out my anger on that nasty pile of fire ants in my front yard. This country has gotten out of hand when it comes to animals. I guess hit and run charges are next for the one who leaves the scene of a squashed raccoon.
  9. I wash my hands everytime I use a restroom. I have taught my boys the same thing. What has worked for my sons are the visuals I have told them. I have thoroughly explained the process to them and then asked the question, "Would you put your hands in your mouth now?" Works everytime. Always use a paper towel to open the door when you leave and never turn the water off without using one too. Makes no sense to wash if you are going to touch the most infected item in the bathroom again.
  10. Just came from I-20 down Thornton to Hiram. Water is high in some areas but didn't encounter any road closures. Just keep in mind that this water will rise quickly so stay alert.
  11. I've got some.....Ocean front property in Ar.....ri...........zon......a.............From my front porch you can see the sea.........
  12. Interesting little bit of info you post there. Wonder how some will spin these facts? I am going to sit back and watch.
  13. You don't have to tell me to stay away from you. I came up with that conclusion months ago. And since you don't know me, the next person sneezing on the back of your neck could be me.
  14. For some, it doesn't matter what evidence they have or how many studies confirm suspicious issues, some folks will still call those who disagree with vaccines a bunch of conspiracy theorists. I for one don't agree with this particular vaccine.
  15. I was too busy with work yesterday. Couldn't even make a window of 5 hours. I guess that is a good thing in this Obama economy.
  16. Sorry we missed you guys. Seems like you all had the best time and the one I missed................Hmmmmmmm..................is there a connection? Hope not. I really enjoy hanging out with you all. Happy Birthday Mr Dis. However, the real winner in all this was the pcom political forum. It appears for several hours there wern't many smart people posting. Those lefties must of had a field day. See you all on the next go around.
  17. Personally, I think it is blown out of proportion. Keep your hands washed and don't rub your eyes or nose with your hands and you will drastically reduce your chances of getting it. There is too much suspicion about this virus, its effects, and origin so I will not be getting the "vaccine" if that's what they're calling it. My familiy won't either.
  18. Are the dems blaming Bush for that too?
  19. I forgot about the Red Wings. Don't watch hockey. Don't know what's next for them but can it get any worse? I wonder if TP is going to start calling them a bunch a losers? He's good at kicking people while there down.
  20. She sure did and there are a lot us that soooooo proud of her.
  21. What is next for Michigan? First--all the union labor raping the auto industry catches up to them. Second--The car industry is gone. Third--The Lions (need I say more) Fourth--Michigan football (falling from grace) Fifth--The City of Detroit Sixth--Some of the highest real estate depreciation in the country Seventh--Flint, Deerborn, etc Eighth--The weather and now the Tigers. They blew a lead late in the season and they blew the playoff game. I don't know if I could handle the depression. Wow.
  22. I heard if you put a pineapple out by your mailbox, that you will get a lot of sugar from it.
  23. Keep in mind, it is the parents for the most part that stack the odds against them. That is the whole point of this discussion. It is ashamed you can't see that. All I see are people using "Paulding" as an excuse for the mediocrity and they feel threatened if exposed. I'll tell you this, I could put my kids on a deserted island and I can bet you they will exceed there too. THAT IS WHAT THE OP IS TRYING TO TELL YOU. If money changed everything, then Atlanta Schools would be the best in the country. Sorry to drop the bomb.
  24. We will be voting as much as possible. Good exposure for the county and we have bleachers waiting for all you Hiram folks. Can't wait to be a good host at our football field. Great concessions with workers who are happy to serve you. Watch and learn Cobb county and Hillgrove.
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