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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. No. Southern Dem is just starting to see the light.
  2. What about Washington DC gun ban? Should be struck down too.
  3. Love your conclusions and words to make your case. You fail to see that Obama has embarrassed this country beyond measure. "YOUR" guy has created this atmosphere and you complain when people can't take it anymore. Since he's president, the country isn't supposed to condemn his actions? I don't blame McChrystal and you should be worried about the attitude of the people when it comes to submitting to this pathetic leadership we have. That is the bigger problem and YOU don't even see it. As far a degrading him, YES, I will do it when I see stupidity at the lead. He is a joke of a pre
  4. That could be a great homework assignment for you.
  5. Here are the facts..............Obama is an idiot with NOOOOOOOOO experience in leading anything but a yard sale and the General was smart enough to tell the American people what he thought. Good for him. Embarrass the president even more for the incompetance he shows in everything. America is the laughing stock of the world thanks to this idiot Obama.
  6. We were all just waiting on your brilliant unbiased evaluation of the GOP meet.
  7. If the personal attacks continue with PT, then I'll be more than glad to post an email from him to respond to what is being said. Pubby's personal hatred and tacky business owner ethics haven't stopped I see. Nice job pip. If you want to trash him, do it somewhere else. If not, I'll open up a form of communication for you. Copy and paste works wonders.
  8. Exactly. Of course, I wonder who the person would call when they need help from a breakin or assault? Someone who says "I have NO REGARD for the police" carries absolutely no merit to anything they say. Maybe Angel Eyes is another who is asked to post just to inflame the board and get more traffic. Since two others are gone, maybe newbies are being asked to fill their shoes.
  9. You must be a real joy to be around. Do you have this kind of trouble understanding everything in life? I do have to say this though, I am grateful for people like you with that attitude you sport. If it weren't for folks like you, we wouldn't have great shows like Cops to laugh at every night. Thanks again for your contribution.
  10. Will, could you list what your political platform is? If you are running as a democrat, what ideas do you side with the dems and what ideas about the GOP platform do you disagree? That would be a great starting point for me. thanks
  11. Didn't hear about TB, but a Walgreens is going up there too. They are moving the Waffle House back off the road too. I think.
  12. I wish Dallas would get more stuff on this end of the county. With all the lights on 278 now, it takes 20 minutes to get from 61 to the Cobb line. I am grateful that the new Chick Fil A is going in at 278 and 61. Can't wait til September. BTW, I like Popeyes too.
  13. Because he wants to know tough answers, you call it negative.
  14. I didn't know that stuff could last that long.
  15. There are ALWAYS virus's going around. Just be sure to wash your hands alot and NEVER rub your eyes or nose with your direct hand. Use your shirt as a protective layer.
  16. I thought our flag was racist and not worthy to be proud of anymore? Since our Constitution isn't worthy of respect because only white males wrote it, our flag is also outdated and not representative of all people. Come on NG, I know you know this.
  17. There's political gain in this catastrophe and the WH is exploiting it. American public is fed up with his incompetance.
  18. A lot of dentists will work with you. Just let them know up front and I'm sure they'll have something. Bring your 5 year old with you. It might help.
  19. Now, all we have to do is start the campaign to legalize prostitution and the party will be complete. What a world my kids will have endure.
  20. No matter what side you stack up on, mediocrity is the new standard in PUBLIC school. You can argue all you want on different subjects, but it's the truth.
  21. Exactly right. I told my wife the same thing. Ran through the 9th inning highlights and then told her about Galarraga and how he handled it. Class act. Don't know what MLB can do now but God knows Detroit could use some good news.
  22. Please keep us updated Web Mom on his homecoming.. I would love to take my family to show support of his service. RIP soldier.
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