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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. I just think he has shortfalls of his own that he must confront. Their answers prove how they view things. Not at all what was intended. Too Funny.
  2. I love the responses here about the winner. It has nothing to do with her. But it sure was easy to draw all of "I'm tolerant of everyone", "I'm Mr Diversity", "Look at Me, Mrs Embraceable" folks. hahahahah. You all are too predictable. It was the PAGEANT itself that is the Political Correct target. Some of you are so wrapped up in your own ideals, you can't see the obvious because of your hatred of "intolerant people". I guess you all aren't all tolerant like you say you are. I guess I'll leave this thread just laughing my head off.
  3. I was wondering the same thing. As far as the stop goes, it seems ridiculous to suggest to put one there.
  4. I'm not going to state the obvious politically correct comment...............
  5. Can't you skip Oprah just one thursday for us?
  6. Forget the hugs.............oh my, did I just say that? wifey is gonna kill me
  7. It could be Dallas's "Big Chicken"
  8. Wow. Seems like a struck a nerve with some of you. It amazes me how some general topics can be taken and made to be so personal. I was driving around for work Friday and the sports talk radio show I was listening made the statement. It was just fun and games but for some of you, I guess now I see different. As for me, it would shock me because it would be such a stark contrast to what my spouse it today.
  9. Ok, lets say you've been married for 15 years. Your in the car driving to Hiram and your spouse clues you in on a little secret. They say they were in a porno 5 years before you married. How would you handle it? Would you want to see it? What about your friends if they wanted to see it? Would you ask them not to? Edited: And no, my spouse hasn't...............
  10. ...........but your not judging.......... you crack me up sometimes.
  11. I don't think the police were at fault either. The question was presented because of a previous post in another thread about tazing a pregnant woman. Your comments are my thoughts too.
  12. Look at this great mother to be...............Nice piece of trash. My link This reminds me of the Tazer thread not to long ago. Are the police at fault?
  13. Do you need a "reason" to fight a fire? Let me know......I can make it happen.
  14. I'm day to day. But I'll make it a priority. I just don't know if I'll have a gig at The Manhole in Atlanta.
  15. Get in line for this one.................. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4EvVErNhVE
  16. I'll step out on a limb and say it's funny.
  17. Was the turkey a pet or just got used to coming down and working the corner? Either way, we used to see who could find it first when driving by.
  18. Don't kiss Richard Dawson...............oh wait, he doesn't do that anymore.
  19. If you all think this is a good thing, lets continue to pump endless amounts of money into every economic system in the world. When we make our rounds, we can start from the beginning again. Shoot, by December, the Dow should be around 32,000. No more recession, unemployment will be 4%, gov't will be paying everyone, and we all will be buying the world a coke. This will not put off the inevitible. You'd better be worried.
  20. Boy, after reading all that, I feel like I have been at my parents house for thanksgiving. I'm tired.............my neck is sore, and I need a nap.
  21. The Spartan's season came to a close tonight. The lost to Marist tonight 5 - 4. A late inning home run wasn't enough to pull it off. We're proud of the boys (ours included) for a terrific season. Watch this team next year. Coach has his eye on that team.
  22. I like the fact that wild animals are holding their own among the population sprawl. Our encroachment of every corner of the earth is causing many populations to loose the battle. I sit out on our porch late at night and listen to fox, deer, coyotes, owls, etc. My 9 year old and I make it great bonding time.
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