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Everything posted by macarose

  1. I was hoping they would put in a Clucky's...
  2. I don' know much about 'public' fishing ponds. There is a private fishing pond on Macland Rd. about a half mile past the Cobb/Paulding line on the Cobb side. They ahve people there all the time.
  3. We got organic soups, Indian food mixes, non-dairy ice cream (son is lactose intolerant), organic salsa and organic bread. We don't buy these things that often. But the prices were as good as the non-organic versions. Plus the food salvage store closed about a month ago and it's hard to find these things at a reasonable price. I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that they're bluffing on the 50%. My prediction is we'll see 60% in about a week.
  4. I went up to the soon to be defunct Lion's Market this afternoon. They only had about a quarter of their usual inventory. I asked the manager there whether they would be cutting prices any more. He said, "Nein! No! Nyet! No more discounts!" I'm not sure if these things are written in Germanic stone. To me it's kinda doubtful. Especially since their spices and frozxen foods are still in abundance. But with a little less than four weeks left until closing I thought it's worth mentioning.
  5. I have removed about 12 garbage bags of litter over the last four years. It's really a disgrace. Most of it is fast food junk, sodas and empty beer cans.
  6. This court case is a glorified political witch hunt of the lowest form. Most folks in this country are sick of hearing about the 'Brither conspiracy theories', '911 conspracy theories', and other related wacko inspired rhetoric. Extremist efforts like this will do little more than help improve Obama's approval rating and make the GOP out to be a party of radical extremists who can't debate on the merits. It's a shame because an incumbent presiding over a several trillion dollar trade deficit and a high unemployment rate would usually encourage a pragmatic approach to winning the election.
  7. Food Depot has a very strong presence among the Latino population. I am quite surprised that they are moving into Paulding.
  8. What time will it open on Saturday?
  9. At least you didn't waste the gas. 99+% of the baseball cards in circulation are worthless.
  10. My apologies. That should have read 'Downtown Powder Springs'. I live near the corner of Macland Rd. and Lost Mountain in West Cobb. I used Google Maps for my write-up.
  11. Neither system is the shangri-la. Most public systems have plenty of honors, AP & Target programs that match or exceed those offered in the private schools. Many private schools have a large student population that is spoiled, unmotivated and under-educated. The primary differences come from the quality of the faculty (and administration), the quality of the curriculum, the involvement of the parents, the student culture, and the outside environment. In other words there are a lot of ingredients that make up the recipe that is 'education'. Too much reliance on testin
  12. You are my hero! But I'm sure you already new that.
  13. Hmmmm.... within a 5 miles radius I have.... 5 Krogers *Brownsville, Macland, Dallas Hwy, Powder Springs Rd., Whitlock* 4 Publixes *Downtown Hiram, Dallas Hwy, Barrett Pkwy, MAcland Rd.* Super Target *Hiram* 2 Wal-Mart's *Hiram & Hardy Pkwy* Sam's Club *Hiram* Aldi's *Powder Springs Rd* and also... Ingles, Food Lion, an Organic Food Store, an Organic Produce Store... We even had a BJ's and 2 Krogers that closed up the last few years along with the food salvage store on Merchants Dr. Not to mention upcoming stores in Paulding such as the Aldi's and a n
  14. macarose


    This isn't 'government'. These are multinational corporations and well oiled lobbying groups looking out exclusively for their own financial interests.
  15. My wife made curry chicken artichoke rice with strips of bacon on top. Very nice meal. I only had a small part of the bacon.
  16. Prayers, thoughts and best wishes. You are an AWESOME person!
  17. Kmart is a mixed bag... It's not really a competitor with Walmart and Target. A Walmart will have about 15 times the volume of a Kmart store. While Target appeals to a more upscale demographic. As someone already mentioned, Kmart has pretty much become the alternative for folks who don't want to deal with the 'hassle' of shopping at Wal-Mart and aren't as into the upscale fashionable items at Target. Older folks and those needing prescriptions. Long time residents of Paulding. Those who just don't like the traffic of the other big box stores. Perhaps a few of us who are looking fo
  18. Oh baloney! My family of four spends FAR less than that on an annual basis. If you live within your means and stay active in a community, your total expenditures should come around to half that amount for a family of four (at least in Northwest Georgia) ... and that's without going on the proverbial dole.
  19. The likelihood of a trial will depend on the quality of the evidence. If the evidence is overwhelming, there is no reason for the prosecution to accept any type of plea bargain. Especially in a high profile case as deeply disturbing as this one.
  20. A friend of mine asked me about the buying process at Amazon. Somehow I ended up writing this rant... and helping them out after the fact. Keep in mind this was done PURELY in fun. If Amazon comes knocking on Paulding's door I will be happy to retract this entire article and offer them a red carpet that I'll quickly steal from the nearest government building. The truth is that when you shop at Amazon, you help destroy the world. Let's say you buy an ancient reading device known as... a book. That book gets made in China using sweatshop laborers who work anywhere from
  21. Went to the Olive Tree a few days ago. Always enjoy going to that place.
  22. Sounds like we're kindred souls in that respect. Stan & Dru's Nana is also headlong into the cheap and frugal. Life is SO much less stressful when you let friendships and community guide you past the wants & needs of the modern day. I know I said it once. But it begs to be repeated. Congrats!
  23. That is absolutely awesome! Congrats! You deserve all the happiness and love that parenthood can bring... again...
  24. I always prefer libraries... and the internet. Besides this documentary reflects my lifestyle...
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