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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. 01000111011100100110010101100001011101000010111000100000010000010110111001101111 0 11101000110100001100101011100100010000001110000011001010111001001110011011011110 1 10111000100000011101000110100001100001011101000010000001110101011100110110010101 1 10011001000000110000101101110001000000110111101101110011011000110100101101110011 0 01010010000001110100011100100110000101101110011100110110110001100001011101000110 1 11101110010001000000110011001101111011100100010000001100010011010010110111001100 0 010111001001111001001011100010000001001000011011110111011100100000011011010110
  2. Another great site from Mill Creek!
  3. 1. Are you sending it as an attachment or in the body of the email? 2. Can you send an email without an attachment? 3. Are you using an email client such as Outlook or are you using webmail. 4. Are you always attempting to send to the same recipient or does it fail with any address? 5. Who provides your email service (yahoo, att, etc.)?
  4. Apparently we have an alien among us who is into blogging: http://esteonere.blogspot.com/
  5. Actually it will be Sunday night.
  6. GS would not provide in helpful info as 27R and taxiway Mike terminate at the same point.
  7. The package should be clearly marked whether it comes with 7 or if it comes with a free upgrade.
  8. It's all about saving money. They are willing to take some risk due to fatigue in order to save a buck. Crews will never get longer rest periods until it is mandated.
  9. Poke (pork) chops, smashed taters and an unnamed green vegetable.
  10. I have been running Windows 7 on one machine since June and I love it. I would recommend that all Vista haters upgrade to 7. IMO I think XP users should stick with XP.
  11. Congratulations! I thought you were going to say you passed something else.
  12. I think it could depending to the type of book. Since the study focused on internet searches, I think that learning new information is the key. This seems to exercise the brain and promote function of areas that may be somewhat dormant. Personally, I try to research some new topic everyday as I think this keeps my mind sharp.
  13. If he was flying an instrument approach, I find it hard to believe that the localizer was off that much. If it was off, he should have noticed and executed a go around.
  14. The runway approach lighting should prevent anyone from landing on a taxiway. I don't think it was foggy Monday morning so that should rule out an instrument problem.
  15. Nope! I like communicating with normal people and they need exposure to geeks.
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