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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. Stupid business practices is not limited to the government. I once received a bill in the mail from a doctor for 19 cents. I changed doctors.
  2. The Pentagon announced TODAY the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the United States Redneck Special Forces (USRSF) These boys will be dropped off in Afgh
  3. IE 8 is better than 7, but I still prefer Firefox or Chrome.
  4. Great advice from everyone that posted above. The only thing that I have to add is that you might want to check with the school and see if they have a recommendation.
  5. This is also applicable to XP and to Windows 7. Also - Adobe released security updates today for the Reader and Acrobat.
  6. I have always used cold water just because it takes so long for the hot water to reach the spigot. More here.
  7. Yep. I got that from a Jeopardy skit on Saturday Night Live from a Sean Connery look-alike. Another that comes to mine from the skit is "an album cover".
  8. http://www.dallasfamilycounseling.com/15/
  9. I love their Rocky top chicken and Outback's Alice Springs chicken.
  10. Poor little fellow should not have to go through something like this. More here.
  11. Debbie was a High School classmate (McEachern 1984) of mine. I thought maybe some of you knew her as well.
  12. I don't know about you, but I think I would like to have a "Baxter" at the end of my life.
  13. Boot into safe mode and do a "system restore" back to an earlier date.
  14. They have had round after round of reducing their operating costs. I think the only way they can make it is to reduce capacity and raise rates.
  15. I think we just need to be thankful that we are living after airline deregulation. Prior to that and adjusted for inflation, tickets were twice as expensive then even with today's junk fees. Of course, several major airlines have failed and the ones that remain have been through bankruptcy.
  16. Mrs. Mayhue was a dear woman and very active in the schools that my kids attended.
  17. Lie to me is another one of my favorite shows.
  18. Any chick flick. I begin crying almost immediately and do not stop until my wife agrees to let me watch something interesting like an action movie.
  19. Welcome! Great to have you aboard.
  20. ... and James Earl Jones is the sick dictator.
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