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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. She was my daughter's teacher at one point and a great lady. Prayers for her family.
  2. Not an expert, but I have a book recommendation for you. Check out this.
  3. Did you try restarting the computer?
  4. The last time I checked they were $5 and you can get limited channels without the box.
  5. Incorrect. You need one box per TV. The charge is $7 each.
  6. I just ordered a demo disk for Rosetta Stone Language software. Has anyone ever tried this or any other language software? How was your experience?
  7. This guy paints himself... no trick photography ... no photoshop ...he just paints himself...Can you find him in the photo below? More pics here.
  8. From what I read on the Uverse site, it appears that you need a box for each TV. Extra boxes are $7 per TV per month.
  9. I'm thinking he chose to tell because it would come out anyway as the blackmailer was prosecuted. This way he gets the issue out of the way and does not have to deal with it again, plus he can tell his side of the blackmail story.
  10. Contact Janet Jackson...............Oh wait.........Her brand malfunctioned.......Nevermind.
  11. I am Billy Bob Avery. Get your own country music name here.
  12. It's free air conditioning for all!
  13. If there is no traffic at the intersecting road, I keep on going. If there is a big line of traffic at the intersection, I treat it like a 4 way stop. I know this is not required but it is the courteous thing to do. Most people seem to handle it this way.
  14. ...and no one is happier than me. I have boiled enough water to birth about 1000 babies.
  15. I'm not an expert on video, so hopefully someone else will chime in. You need to figure out what format the camera records in a find a player that will play it. (Check your camera's manual). There are some free solutions online for players and codecs.
  16. Several possibilities. What we need to hope for is that lightning did not hit it. There are two paths for lightning to enter: 1. The electrical line and 2. The internet connection (DSL or Cable). See if the modem lights are still lit. The power supply could be bad or the motherboard could be fried. If your system is damaged beyond repair, I can probably rescue your data. Give me a call tomorrow. Mike 404-234-2703
  17. I remember. How do you like it so far? Are you getting use to Vista?
  18. Does everything look big or just browser pages? Also, does your mouse have extra buttons?
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