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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. Both of these responses contain some good advice. I'll synthesize these into my response: You can buy one drive large enough to back up all the drives. If you just get the same size as all the drives added together, you will have additional space left over since you will not be backing up the program files. I really like the idea of buying two drives and storing one of them at a friend or families members house. Then, every month or so, swap the drives so that you will have a recent backup.
  2. I use Herskowitz, but he is in Austell on Mulkey Road. 770-941-1013
  3. Take a look at the reviews of them on Amazon.com. Do you know the model number of the one at Kroger?
  4. Is it just me or was this a bad headline for the AJC to use. More here.
  5. There are a few companies on the net that sell computer filters. I have never tried these and I am a little concerned about restricting the natural flow of air. Therefore, my advice would be to just blow out the computer at an appropriate interval. The interval should be determined by the operating environment. Some should be cleaned every 3 months. Others can go up to two years. Open up your computer and take a look every three months and you will be able to determine the proper interval. The only advice I can give about reducing the amount of dust accumulation, is to try moving the computer
  6. I have only worked on one computer that was really bad due to smoking. I'm not sure what the people smoked (cigarettes, cigars, pipes), but it had a big build up of tar inside which captured lots of dust. The heat sink and fan both had a heavy build up and the computer was shutting itself down due to overheating. I had to scrape the tar/dust buildup off. All of the other smoking computers could be cleaned with air.
  7. That was the Atkins diet, the one I did before - not doing that one again. On that diet, I only felt bad for the first three days. After that I felt better, slept better and had more energy than I had ever had before. It is basically a meat diet. Eat all the meat you want just a long as it is not battered. The point of Atkins is to force your body into ketosis and thus burn fat instead of glucose. Cut out the carbs (glucose) and you will burn fat. Without addressing the safety of it for every person, the science behind it is sound and it works. This time, I'm not really counting carbs, ju
  8. I have done Atkins before and it worked well. However I find it just a little to radical since you are only allowed 20g of carbs per day for the first two weeks. I'm trying to eat the healthy carbs this time along with moderate exercise. You are right about the ketchup, sugar shows up in strange places. I ate at Chik-fil-a tonight and 2 of their 3 lite dressings had lots of sugar. The 3rd had only 2g of sugar.
  9. This entertained me for about 5 minutes. You can upload your photo and see the difference that certain cosmetic surgeries would make. I did not upload my photo, just used the lady that was there as a test.
  10. No sugar - no flour. Yesterday, I decided to give up sugar as I have had problems managing my sugar level. I'm not diabetic but everyday was a roller coaster ride with my sugar dropping uncomfortably low and then shooting back up when I ate sugar. So I made it all day yesterday without sugar and did not feel well at all. From about noon on, I could not stop my head from hurting, felt like I had the flu and found myself willing to do just about anything in order to put some sweetness back in my life. Today, I have had no problem at all. When I googled the phrase "no sugar diet", I found that th
  11. They are also excluding themselves from certain businesses where the environment is less than pristine.
  12. Absolutely. I'm so broke I cannot afford an original idea.
  13. IMO the folks at Apple are just dead wrong on this issue. For the record, I do not work on Apple computers, but I do work on all PC's (even the ones that have been around smokers). More here.
  14. I'm so broke, I go to KFC and lick other peoples fingers.
  15. When someone rides my tail when I am already over the speed limit, I tend to slow down.
  17. Great idea! That way, we could eliminate the taters since they only serve to keep the gravy from running all over the plate.
  18. One of the kids asks: Will you carry me to school? Me: Nope - you weigh to much and it is to far.
  19. My thoughts exactly. Nothing taste as good as fried chicken, mashed potato's with gravy and homemade biscuits.
  20. If we could find a place that had the H1N1, my family would get it. I even checked the Google flu shot finder which is found here:www.google.com/flushot
  21. I think the one waiting in the wings poisoned UGA IV to hasten his rise to the throne.
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