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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. I have nothing against Apple, but people that are this loyal to them are hilarious in my opinion. (I know it's just a cartoon, but there are people really like this).
  2. Sounds like you need a bluetooth headset - I could not live without mine. I'm with you on the texting. Typing on a phone makes about as much sense to me as trying to make a phone call on a typewriter. Typewriter pictured below for those that have never seen one.
  3. Sound like you could be a drummer if you only had some severe brain damage to go along with the rest of your injuries. (I'm sorry drummers - just could not resist. Running for cover). I'm so sorry. Great to see that you still have a great sense of humor.
  4. Here is a site to bookmark for future reference if you decide to buy after renting: http://www.wwbw.com They have great prices. My trombone and my daughter's flute both came from there.
  5. Very similar. I would not hesitate to buy the HTC EVO if I were with Sprint, or the HTC Incredible if I were with Verizon. Unfortunately ATT does not offer a comparable HTC model. How do you like the EVO? What's the best and worst about it?
  6. You caught me! After you graduated, I continued to play the bone for marching and symphonic, but I also played the tuba in the concert band my senior year. Therefore I am familiar with brass instruments that have the nice two position push buttons as well as the a slide instrument that has unlimited positions. After all these years, I'm still playing but it is only once a week in the Church orchestra. Do you still play?
  7. I'm considering a new cell phone with ATT. I had originally thought about the iPhone 4, but I have been pretty impressed with the Android based phones. I think that ATT may have a winner with the Samsung Captivate. (Up until now, they did not have anything that I would consider a serious contender to the iPhone). The Captivate is also sold under the following names with two other carriers: T-Mobile- Vibrant, and Verizon- Fascinate. Any feedback would be appreciated on any of the three.
  8. The cheapish horns of are inferior quality and almost never play in tune. A new player has enough problems starting out without a cheap horn. If you are going to buy a used horn make sure it is a brand acceptable to the band director. I would also have it checked out by someone who currently plays to make sure it is okay.
  9. I like Ken Stanton Music. http://www.kenstanton.net/ Pricing info is here: http://www.kenstanto...id=71&Itemid=89
  10. So sorry to hear this. Depression is an ugly disease. Prayers for you and the rest of the friends and family.
  11. RIP Senator Stevens. My favorite Stevens moment was when he explained the Internet at a Senate hearing:
  12. 71 Datsun Pickup. Not the actual photo below but it was the same color.
  13. Along with Ubuntu, I've used Xubuntu, Mint, Puppy and various other flavors that come with boot utilities. Most people have a strong preference when it comes to a particular OS, but basically they are 95% the same in terms of functionality. I think there is a time and place for each OS, but if aliens landed on earth tomorrow (whom I suppose would be highly technologically advanced) , I'm not sure that they would even notice the difference between Windows, OSX, or Linux. I have not gamed in years, but you are tempting me to give some of the Linux games a try if I can ever find the time.
  14. I love your desktop background pic. That's way cool! Ubuntu is a great version of Linux and it has made Linux much more user friendly for the average user. I have an old computer that I will loan out on occasion to customers while I am repairing their computer. Because I do not want any of their data stored on a hard drive, since it's just a very short term loaner, I have removed the HD and have them run it off a Linux live CD. It's not a ball of fire, but it meets their needs temporarily without exposing any of their private data to future customers.
  15. Just create him a new account and copy his data over from the old account which will be in C:Users\his old account name
  16. There should be an option to show older restore point. Start system restore again and look for that option.
  17. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/System-Restore-frequently-asked-questions
  18. System Restore instructions are here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306084
  19. Here's one crook that will not be committing anymore crimes. I hope the clerk is okay. http://www.ajc.com/n...=rss_news_81960
  20. It was a pleasure helping you and great to meet you. It's truly a small world as I am constantly meeting people with common connections to the old days. That's just one of the benefits of living in the same area for 40+ years.
  21. Happy Anniversary! Not sure how you put up with WB all these years. (Just kidding WB). You guys are great!
  22. One thing to keep in mind is that no security program is 100% effective. The hackers are always ahead of the security products because they write the bug first and the detection ability and disinfection utility comes next. (Most security products now use heuristics which looks for virus type behavior by unknown bugs. This is a big help in preventing code execution by unknown malware but it's not 100%). Personally, I think that behavior is more important than any security product. I view them as similar to a seat belt and airbag in a car. Both of them are there in case of an accident, but it is
  23. Good for you! People that take advantage of kindhearted people irk me to no end. For the record, if you would have beat her to death and I were on the jury, you would have walked free.
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