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Everything posted by akre0023

  1. I am sooo sorry for your loss. Loosing a mom is a loss that is different than any other. I am glad that you, your sister, and your mom were able to enjoy some good days and hours before your mom was called to Heaven. As LPPT said, your feelings are perfectly okay. You do not need to answer to anyone for them. They are your feelings, you mom, and your experieneces that you have had to go through. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Know that there are many of us here that have lost parents are are more than willing to listen now just as before.
  2. Glad you are back. We missed you.
  3. Congrats!!!! Any plans for all of your new spare time?
  4. Just checking in to see if your daughter had been located. I am sooo sorry you are going through this.
  5. I got my Gateway from Best Buy 2 years ago and love it. I don't know all the technical stuff about it, but I will say that I got it specifically for me to use for my on line grad school classes. It got me all the way through them with no problems.
  6. I am right there with you. I guess I will call next week and try to set up some sort of payment arrangements or something. Hubby works at night so our AC has to be on during the day. I don't trust the folks in my neighborhood to leave Any of my windows open for any length of time.
  7. Congrats to both of you!!! Did you surprise her with this or did she know it was coming? The ring is Beautiful!!!
  8. We are getting a good shower just down from the QT and Chatt Tech
  9. The hubby was NOT a happy camper when I told him about our's. It will be intersting to see if our son and me going back to school helps to carve the bill.
  10. I have no advice to give you but do want to congratulate you one taking one Huge step. I wish you the best of luck in your new adventure.
  11. I'll be going shopping this weekend but mainly because Friday is payday for me and it is that time of the year for school supplies and new tennis shoes. I also need some new clothes. I can see teachers taking lots of family members or taking Forever at the check outs if you only get tax free up to $20. That alone is BS. I can spend more than that on 2 items that I need for my classroom.
  12. I just got our's today and it went from $167.36 up to 327.74. We will be finding ways to cut back in our home for sure.
  13. Don't count on it. I'm a big girl...need to loose at least 100 pounds to no longer be considered obese but I just had all of my labs drawn and they came back Wonderful. No high cholesterol (even though it runs in my family), no high sodium, good sugar numbers...89 to be exact. Bascially, I'm in good health except for my weight. Oddly enough, when I started eating my supper on a saucer...to control portion size, stopped all night time snacking and just started moving a little more...I was able to loose 3 pounds in one week. Fat people can still be healthy people.
  14. The Fair Tax would take care of all of this. HHS, I have to agree with you on this. It is really sad though.
  15. You look FABULOUS!!!!! Other than the 2 things that you did, what else have you been doing? Have you been doing Weight Watchers? I was told a week ago today that I need to drop at least 100 pounds due to a possible heart condition. You are a true inspiration to me. Congrats!!
  16. It definitely sounds like a plan to me. Don't forget to take care of yourself. That is what I would forget to do and even fought my hubby when he tried to take care of me. I'm keeping you in my prayers. Please PM me if there is Anything I can help you with.
  17. Good Morning. Had a baby girl with a sick tummy last night so how she feels will determine what we do for the day. It feels weird not having college papers to stress over....although having papers to grade will be here before I know it.
  18. I may try to meet you between now and then. Are you going up to the school anytime this week? What do you have in mind???? I'm still trying to get my husband to work on somethings ...you know men.
  19. teach me how to crochet? Now that I have my degree I have to find something to do with my time. I realize that school will be starting soon but even then, I need something to relax me in the evenings. I'm thinking that this will allow me to have something to take with me to help keep me busy...as if my 3yo doesn't. I have no clue what to get...needle but no clue what size and yarn..no clue what kind or what is best. Thanks
  20. I lost my mom 10 months ago this 27th and I've somewhat been in your shoes. My mom was sick for a long time and over time, I mourned loosing the mom that I had known and having to see her suffer. Like your mom, mine was in and out of the hospital soo much that Kennestone and Cobb learned us by first names...especially the last year and half. This type of mourning is very different than what you will experience when your mom actually dies. It is hard to explain. I swapped places with my mom when I was only 20 years old...she became the child and I was the parent. My parents were married
  21. I will try to make it.
  22. My prayers go out to this family. I can not even imagine the pain and heartache they are going through at this time. This little girl was less than a month older than my daughter. That really hits home.
  23. Absolutely no clue. Anything for the family going on locally?
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