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Everything posted by partiesbykellys

  1. Call and leave a message for a midwife (if they have one) to call you back and discuss it. Good luck!!!
  2. Let's take about something everyone should do everyday...... It gets you all wet warm slick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hot shower
  3. I have no advice to the preggo's but I feel your pain. You are truly between a rock and a hard place. If I were pregnant, I believe I would take the shot. It seems from the early death rates from May that this flu was very hard on pregnant women.
  4. I am almost finished reading The Strain by Chuck Hogan and Guillermo Deltoro. A new Vampire Series along the lines of Stephen King Vampire not Twilight. Very very good. I cannot wait for the next book......in 2010
  5. Forget bread and milk..... I need batteries
  6. I spoke with a nurse last weekend and I ask her the same question. She explained that since it is too early for the regular flu season, they have to assume it is H1N1. The chances of them having the regular flu is very slim for this time of year. The only time they send it in for testing is if there are underlying issues with the case, and this will be the general health care policy unless the strain proves to more lethal to the general public.
  7. I was a Project Manager and here would be my requirements if I needed a roof: 1. 5+ in the roofing type of your home (metal, shingles, etc.) , and this is the very important part....the 5+ years has to be with the company name that is doing your roof. It needs to be 5 years with the same company name. (If someone is chaning names = big issues that may be hidden such as money issues or bad work) 2. Insured 3. Bonded
  8. Sorry, I forgot to add Go to my website to view the items, but to get the 20% off, you have to pm or call me. Sale ends at midnight tonight!!!! www.slumberpartiesbyks.com 18+ only
  9. Take 20% off you purchase of $25 or more. Heat up the bedroom this weekend. Everyone gets tired and bored. I can help you keep your partner's mind from wandering. I help ladies build a stronger realtionship with their partners. (No partner? No problem. You can be in a relationship of one ) TODAY ONLY I am stocked so you can get your goodies before the Holiday Weekend. I suggest: 1. Something for you 2. Somthing for him 3. Something for two. If you need help or advice, please pm me!!! All orders or questios are 100% confidential.
  10. IMHO, it is everywhere. We were at Tanner last night and it was jam packed with sick people. They were doing the best they could and it was a 4 hour wait. Sick babies everywhere. Told my 15 year old I was going to beat his butt if his broke/sprained ankle gave me the flu
  11. My middle son who is 15 and very active has drove me up the wall. He sprained his ankle and had to have his leg elevated today. I need a strong brew......
  12. No matter if we agree with her decision to have more children or not.........it is her decision. Our mothers and grandmothers have already paved that path for us.
  13. LOL...I would provide the snips if it would work. Sadly even this course still leads to more predator behavior.
  14. True. I have Zero Tolerance for predators until/unless we can come up with a treatment that really works.
  15. Let's get back on topic. I am very saddened to learn the SO had a chance to rescue her 3 years ago and they dropped the ball.
  16. Good. Maybe people will begin to realize the horror that many women/children have to live through.
  17. Violence against woman an children do not get enough coverage. The tragedy is that 1 in 4 women will be beaten by their partners, 1 in 5 will be raped, and the countless children that are abducted every year.
  18. The Happy Dance was that she was found alive after 18 years, I can assure you I take no joy in the pain and abuse of other women.
  19. Great rule. On Friday and Saturday nights, I get through with my parties around 11:00 and it amazes me the number of teens (jacked up cars/trucks) that zoom past me and I know they are trying to get home before curfew.
  20. Just got back from Tanner....middle son hurt his ankle very badly and we thought it was broke...bad sprain
  21. My hubby worked there for 32 years and he worked his butt off everyday. He took great pride in building GM cars, too bad not all the employees did. I love my JOB.
  22. Thanks!!!! My Team, the Sugarmommas, has had a record breaking month. We are on fire!!!! Great way to make extra cash.
  23. Been there..done that Draw up a Rental Contract. Let him know that yes he is an adult and guess what: 1. Adults pay their own cell phones 2.. Pay their own car insurance 3. Pay rent 4. But their own food 5. Buy their own books for college 6. Buy their own clothes 7. Pay their own way in College After this talk, I can assure you, he will be happy to be a kid again
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