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Everything posted by copschick

  1. and tell them to be at my house when my kid gets off the bus this afternoon. Oh, this wont be a disorderly kid...this will be for a disorderly parent. He may need some protecting... My 15 y/o has obviously bumped his head this morning and is suffering from a HUGE case of the dumbass. OMG this is why hamsters eat their young!!!! :angry2: :angry2:
  2. I know its gonna be a good day when I go to Starbucks and they mess up and I get to try a new flavor hot and cold but only get charged for one How do YOU know when it's gonna be a good day?
  3. And didn't kill you for motorboating my boobs
  4. he just said he didnt like it...lol There was not a "no" and besides he wants a new tat that I am not so crazy about...
  5. hey...I said we dont always see eye to eye!
  6. yes B...and his crackhead lab partner
  7. For any of y'all that know Tow and I either from here, or on FB, or in real life, you know that we dont always see eye to eye. While I think that is normal for most, we are extremely transparent and put it out there for othera to see. I know I jave friends that wonder how or why I put up with him and I am sure he has friends that think the same thing. Well, lets face it...Im hot and I rock and that is why he puts up with me So here is just one reason he still has my heart. We were in seperate cars coming home from dinner and I get a text (shhh dont tell the popo) and it just has a radio stat
  8. LR...these people are ASKholes...
  9. Im too irritated with these dumbasses to sleep!
  10. so Im in class right now and this crack head wont shut up with stupid comments and even dumber freaking questions. Dayum its a good thing murder is illegal.....
  11. sigh...30 more minutes...good grief! I think someone made my clock stop!
  12. yeah...I told Tow if he ever even dreamed of hitting me, he had better wake up and apologize In any event...this is horrible. I feel so sorry for that poor lady. How in the world do you just set someone on fire??? People are sickos...
  13. no..I leave work at 5 then go to class until 9...sigh
  14. Bless your heart! That is the sort of day I was having yesterday. I really want a McDs strawberry lemonade thingy...and a damned nap!
  15. is this day ever going to end???? And even when the work day is through, I still have to go to class... this chick is sleepy!
  16. me either. I had jury duty not too long ago and I had to tell what Tows job was. Yep, they sent me home that day... Maybe this is a stupid question, but if you were on Bin Laden's jury, wouldn't that kinda mean you were, yourself, already dead???
  17. I will...but no different colored hair. Tow said no to the dye job
  18. You be nice!!! We all aren't fun to live with...I'm sure she could tell us about livin with you
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