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Everything posted by copschick

  1. LOL Mom is on the right...911 dtr is on the left... Now I feel old...I used to babysit her!
  2. My God I can't believe they are all grown up! LOL
  3. here's a tip...If you run up on my back bumper, I wil throw my lil Vibe into standard mode and drop it into 3rd gear... no brake lights means no warning So don't tailgate unless you are in the mood to buy me a new car
  4. I thought the same thing when I had to layer up this morning!
  5. to spring??? Holy hell Im freezing!!!
  6. no problem...seriously though...some not stick girls are just as hot as a stick girl lol
  7. dtis ok bigsky...we all have our moments. Weight is just a touchy subject for most women... Im sure you are perfectly nice yourself...
  8. you are an ass... and I promise...there was NO complaining from him this weekend...
  9. its attitudes like bigsky's that cause some of us to doubt our fabulousness...
  10. ok....Thursday is the day I am going in between work and school...I can not wait!!!
  11. you are hawt and I dont know wtf you are talking about...guys look. But most importantly TOW looks jackass
  12. Amen...skinny bitches would drop like flies hahahahaha!!!!
  13. You are right! I love that Tow isnt a stick boy lol I feel safe cause he is big enough to be flat out intimidating!
  14. I was teeny weeny in high school. Even after both of the boys were born I got itty bitty again and Tow hated it. He called me starvin marvin lol He seems to be VERY satisfied with how I currently look...so I figure if he is happy and I am happy that should be all that matters
  15. awww...Jen...how sweet! Yes, we have known each other forever!!! No nose ring yet...next week probably Thursa day before I go to class lol
  16. we are hanging with Tows cousin and her bf. Ribs and miller lite...good times!
  17. Papi...this is why Blondie loves you!
  18. I was a skinny itty bitty thing and gained weight and this has been hard...VERY hard to deal with sometimes. I just think sonetimes looking like Megan Fox is an unreasonable goal...we werent all made to look like her (although it must be nice). I am not huge and fat...I am just not little. Im voluptuous lol
  19. I have decided that I don't have to be a stick girl to be attractive. I think from now on, I will embrace my fabulousness...curves and all. Seriously, there are advantages. I can stay warm in the winter, I will NEVER nees siliconeup top, I have natural padding so I won't break a bone as easily So to all you skinny stick girls out there I say I am cute,too dammit!
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