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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. Good to see you again. Since you are from Mayberry do you think you could give me one. Thanks.
  2. Welcome Clancy to P.Com . Hope you like it here. We have some very fine people on this forum. If you stay with us very long we will make you glad , we will make you sad, and we will make you mad. We joke around, and kid around,and some may fool a round but when someone is sick or in need of food or clothes or in trouble we get serious. So if you ever have a problem bring it to P.Com and the good people on here will help when they can.We are all like one big family on here so when we fuss with each other we soon get over it so don't take the comments to serious. Again Welcome.
  3. Good morning. God is great he made another Day for us to live in. Hope everyone has a blessed day . If God woke you this morning than you have already had a blessed Day.
  4. Tranquility you are a God sent angel to help Miss jesse. Miss jesse will never forget you for what you have done for her. But most of all God will never forget you for your good works here on earth. Love thy neighbor is not always the the person that lives next door to you. May God Bless you for your kindness to others.
  5. Good morning LPPT I like your pucker. Is that really your lips?
  6. Here goes my husbands whole check Mrs. Weatherboy
  7. So glad you went to see Miss Jessie she loves to have someone to talk with. You are right she is a sweet lady when you really get to know her. She never forgets people that do good deeds for her. Glad that your preacher went to see her she loves to talk about the Lord . Praying that she gets well soon.
  8. Don't worry about it.After she has been driving a week she will know more about driving than you. They all do that anything you tell her she will say well I know that. So if they already know everything why do we have to teach them to drive.
  9. Thanks CC for letting us know that miss Jessie was in the Hospital . I just called her and she said she has two or three surgeries to go through . She said one is tomorrow. I think she said she has been in the hospital since last week. She said the Lord told her to call Caped Crusade and ask all of the prayer warriors to pray for her. So all praying people pray for Miss Jessie that the Lord will make her well soon . She said she hates the food there and wants some chicken. She told me that she almost died .
  10. To think of someone besides our self and say a kind word or help someone in need.
  11. Are we on the right topic for bingo? No one is here.
  12. Someone said a lot of viruses comes from facebook. Does that sound right? They said trojans.
  13. Does anyone know if Hwy 411 is open all of the way to maryville Tenn. If not what about I-75 thanks.
  14. Are you having problems getting on facebook? I miss my fields!!!! They said to check back in a few hours. Mrs. Weatherboy
  15. I agree 100% with everything you said.Pubby and LPPT and Johnny J and all of the rest that work so hard to keep us informed get a bad rap sometimes . But if you think about it we are home in the dry while they are out there trying to get a story to show us what is going on now not only today but when the sun is shining. I think without P.Com we wouldn't know anything that is going on in Paulding County . So thanks Pubby and LPPT and all that work so hard to keep us entertained .
  16. What a sweet thing to do . I feel like coming over just to give you a big hug. God Bless you .Need a world full of people like you.
  17. Thank you so much for your prayers.
  18. Watching wsb channel 2 and they showed Scarlett Indulegence's shop and the water was up to the top step of the porch. Praying that the water doesn't destroy their business. Folks like someone else has already said we need to pray before going to bed for the people that are being flooded out of their homes and business. Don't forget to pray. Thanks.
  19. Well you will start off with a lot of money. We went to best buy the other day looking for the older type and you can't find the older ones anymore. The new ones are real small and the cheapest we found at bestbuy was$150.00. But where they get you is when you have to buy the battery. They told us they didn't have a battery for the cheaper one and the next cheapest was over $200.00 and the battery was about another $100.00 . So if you buy the camera with only one battery it will last about one hour . If you don't have two batteries then you will have to wait untill the one is charged. So we
  20. I am a retired grandpa with 6 grandkids. We are babysitting today and I have to go do a job that is not very pleasant but has to be done when you keep two babies. I have no name for this job.
  21. I knew this was coming . Just didn't know from which P.Commer. Old hippie you won't do.
  22. We saw on the news last night where this lady was blind and they took her tooth and drilled a hole in it and put it in her eye and now she can see. Before you ask if it was her eye tooth this is no joke. I am sure others saw it on the news. What do you think of this?
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