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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. I think Georgia Tornado was talking about kasteroil and not Ms Jessie. If you will read his post. Well you can't because his post has been edited. But he called her some bad names.
  2. Or play BINGO on p.com.
  3. OctoMom, the lady who has 14 children, will be on channel 5, Fox, tonight at 8:00 p.m.
  4. Hope you have fun and don't get a sunburn.
  5. Prayers for all the children and their familes. Mr. Epps will truly be missed. Mrs. Weatherboy
  6. Smoochiemom you are great. You know the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. well sometimes a kind word is worth it all and I believe this was one of those times. May God Bless you for helping others. Sorry for posting two times.
  7. Smoochiemom you are great. You know the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well in some cases the words mean everything. I think this is one of those cases. God Bless you for thinking of others.
  8. Well went to visit MS Jessie today to wish her a Happy Birthday but she wasn't home. I met her sister she said she was up the road doing her thing. She said Miss Jessie is doing pretty good health wise even though she has lost weight.
  9. No you are right. I don't think she has a computer .
  10. Happy Birthday Ms Jessie hope you have the best one ever. I know that you won't read this but hope that God will watch over you on the road to Wal-Mart and on the road of life. Hope you have peace in your heart like we all look for. Hope that God will grant all of your wishes and give you the peace that only he can give. Hope we can all be more understing of each other in everything that we do. The road of life is hard but we can make it a little better by showing love and not road rage.God bless all.
  11. Yes she is very religious. She used to go to the Dallas Church of God. I don't know if she goes anywhere now. I guess she walked all the way from her house each Sunday.
  12. CC we have been worried about you too. Mrs Weatherboy had just said that she hasn't seen you with any of your videos in a good while . Glad you are back to cheer things up around here. Just not the same without you.
  13. I agree 100% . If she likes you then you can just feel the love when she wants a hug. I can understand why some don't like her because if you don't really know her she can make you really mad. But her mind is like a little child one minute she can be mad and talking bad and the next minute just love you to death. So when you see her just act like you have known her all of you life and say hey miss jessie . If you are good to her one time she will never forget you. So please if you see Ms Jessie tomorrow wish her a happy birthday. That will mean the world to her and make you feel better also.
  14. You are right they are like landmarks . I miss the dancing man also. But we still have the waving man out on hwy 92. It's takes all kinds of people to make a town . Like Otis on Mayberry . Wouldn't it be awful if everyone in town was just alike. .
  15. I for one will miss her when she is gone. There will never be another Ms Jessie.
  16. Thank you for feeding her. She loves to eat. We use to buy her a chicken at Wal-Mart when we bought groceries. I don't think that she will give up as long as she can go.Just hope the heat doesn't get her down. Thanks Georgia Tornado.
  17. I wonder if she would tell her age. I know I should not ask but wonder if she is in good health for her age.
  18. Thanks Mrs G . Glad she is alright.[ HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS JESSIE. ]We wish you the best . May God Bless MS Jessie. I am glad that she doesn't have internet. [ ]
  19. Thanks we haven't seen her around 278 or Wal-Mart. Hope she is making it ok with this hot weather.
  20. Has anyone seen Miss Jessie or know if she is alright? We haven't seen her in weeks just wondering if she is sick again. Thanks.
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