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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. In a few years when she gets older and all of that flab turns loose she will need a wheelbarrow to haul her face in. Leave Gods work along. Just my way of thinking.Keep smiling.
  2. Thanks didn't know that.
  3. iUnDeRsTaNdWhAtYoUArEsAyIng. Talking like that makes my head shake.
  4. So sorry for your loss. My mother lost her son and granddaughter at the same time in a car wreck when the granddaughter was five years old. You will never get over it but time will make it a little easier. Only God knows what your child would have had to go through if it had lived. So sometimes we don't understand why things happen like they do but God has a reason for everything. In the Bible Job lost all of his kids and all of his cattle and even had sores from head to foot .Job said to the Lord it would have been better if I had never been born. But in the end God blessed Job with twice as
  5. They gotta get your money before you spend it all up somewhere else!!
  6. CC all she needed was for you to wrap your arms around her and plant a big kiss right on the side of her face . Then say I really appreciate the way you move. Keep laughing.
  7. http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:cms:mvideo:cmt.com:40319
  8. Did the house burn up or did the house burn down?
  9. Did the clock factory close because they had to lay off one of the hands? What time is it anyway?
  10. Did you know that people have more fun than anybody?
  11. I don't have the heart for that. Even if my spelling is bad.
  12. Thanks LisaG for spelling cited and not like I spelled Sited. I mess up a lot on typing.
  13. Saw on the news where the Douglas Co. Code Enforcement went out and told the people that has the tents set up in their yard helping the flood victims if they didn't remove the tents and everything in the yard they would be sited. The news man called them while he was at the peoples house and ask Douglas Co why they were harassing the only people that are still trying to help the flood victims and they hung up on the news man. I think this is awful when someone has love in their heart to help others and is treated this way . What do you think about this. Do you think someone can get back on the
  14. Thanks Subby not trying to rush you . I know that you are a very busy man.
  15. Might take you up on that about picking up my mower when I get my weedeater back. Let me know when you have time to check it out. Thanks.
  16. Thanks Reesy and LPPT I knew I could fine what I needed to know here on P.Com. Thank you both.
  17. Does anyone know if there is a UPS store at New Hope? Thanks.
  18. Dixie Cleaners Above Paulding Hospital. Next door to Gro- Mart. They did mine.
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