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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. We use to work the Cobb County prisoners and they had it better than we did. You couldn't work them in the rain or untill it got above 32 degreese and have to let them go back in at 4.pm. we worked in anykind of weather and worked overtime when we had to get the job done.I saw what they call the Hole at the prison. They told us if the prisoners won't do what you tell them to do just call us and we will pick them up and put them in the Hole.Well I had the Hole pictured as a dark room down in the basement with only bread and water. When they showed us the Hole it was up front by the front door w
  2. Adult I respect how you feel but could you feel that way if it was your child that lost their life at the hands of a killer? If you can say yes to that you are a lot more loving person than I am. That would give new meaning to the saying[ Keep looking up.]
  3. I think that would cut down on murders. Would be something that you would never forget and would make a person think before taking someones life.
  4. I agree and you said it better than I could have ever said it.
  5. Would have to be on Fox the other channels wouldn't touch it.
  6. I agree with that.Do away with the Electric Chair and get Electric Bleachers.I think the young boy that helped John Allen Muhammad should be sitting in his lap tomorrow night. He was old enough to know what he was doing. So I say give it to him too. If they do John tomorrow night it will be with a shot and not a bullet in the head like he did to all of his victims. To easy I think. I know the bible says vengeance is mine saith the lord but it also says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
  7. I believe in the Death Penalty. But I think that everyone should be treated the same and not kill one and let another one go with a life sentence. I think if you kill someone on purpose and not in self defence for your life or to save someone else than you should be put to death. I don't mean wait 20 years to do it. If you are found guilty after a fair trial then I think one year from the date you are found guilty you should be put to death. Back when I was a kid if you got one year after found guilty that was a long time. I think if you kill one person or 100 people the sentence should be the
  8. The economy is so bad that the clock factory had to lay off one of the hands. Keep smiling.
  9. If you are talking about getting the pig dressed out then I would just get it a pair of nice slacks and maybe a dress shirt. Just kidding. Everyone that knows me can tell you that I am just a little off and joke around a lot. Some people on here don't understand my jokes.You might say that I am just a ham. Keep smiling.
  10. Well folks I took my blower and weedeater to subby today. My blower stoped running today while I was blowing leaves. I got my name on his fix-it-list so if you have anything that needs fixing take it to subby. Subby is great when it comes to working on any gasoline engines .I got to see both of his daughters and that along was worth the trip. He has very pretty girls. I know I am to old to be looking at any girls so like I said take your equipment to subby and you won't be sorry. He has the best prices in town. Keep smiling
  11. We already know that . He is like Santa Clause he has already been to my house too. If you are good he will come to your house. Mike is the greatest at what he does and a great human being.Mike can keep you smiling :
  12. Have you checked the heater core under the dash or check under the front floor mat to see if the floor is wet? If the floor is wet under the floor mat you may have a leak in the heater core.Also check the cooling fan to make sure fan is kicking on.Hope this helps.Even with all of your problems life is still good so keep smiling. Tell your husband if it runs hot on the road again to turn heater on high and let car windows down and this will take some heat from the engine even though you may burn up should help to get you home.God bless.
  13. Mike you are the man when it comes to fixing things. We did what you said and called AT&T about our laptop . We stayed on with them about three hours and was hung up on twice and they never called us back. Finally with the third lady from Japan we got on and still don't know how we did.She said it was morning where she was at and I told her it was going to be morning here before we got on. You need that job with what you know you would be top dog in no time. I know that hooking up to wireless will make you hairless in a little while. But I am still smiling. .Good Night.
  14. If you go get the flu shot and get the flu the doctor will tell you that you have some other kind of flu.So I will take my chances with the flu. After all the people that take the shot will need someone to take care of them when they get the flu. The only flu that I ever had was when I was in the Army and had no choice about taking the shot. That night I just about died couldn't even get my words to come out to tell them to take me to the Hospital.I know a man that got the shot and stayed in the Hospital for a week after taking the shot and found that he was allergic to eggs . Doctor told him
  15. We need all we can get while the getting is good. Can I get the first Mayberry on the new board?
  16. There is one thing missing from the new Paulding .Com and that is the Beautiful Ladies like Billy Jo and Bobby Jo and Betty Jo and of course Daisy and aunt Bea that keep us in line. I have missed them so much. This should get me my first Mayberry on the new board. I even miss Boss Hogg and Andy , Goober, Barney, Sgt.Carter,Howard , And all of the P.Com Police.Well I guess that is enough brown noseing for one night if this don't get me a mayberry I will have to think of some way to really earn one. But I will keep smiling.
  17. IS THIS THE TOPIC WE NEED TO BE ON TO PLAY? Starts at 7 and ends ?
  18. just checking to see if my time is right.
  19. I am like the new kid in school. Every time I get use to everything and think that I know what I am doing then every thing changes. When you get old it is harder to learn than when you are younger. So by the time I learn this it will be time to change again.I am not complaining because Pubby and Lppt does a great job will just take some getting use to. Pubby on your worst day you are still better than all of the rest.
  20. Prayers for Jason that God will watch over him tomorrow and everything will be well. God is good.
  21. So if I go to my settings and take those check marks out, I should receive emails to my pm's?
  22. I agree I think a red fox calling to it's mate. I have seen them in my yard at night calling their mate that was close by. They make a short high pitch sound. Google red fox calling it's mate and I think you will find out that is what it was. Don't think a bob cat would hang around after you shine a light unless it has a kitten somewhere in the field.Hope this helps.Keep smiling.
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