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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. I for one will miss Jessie when she is gone. She like me is getting older and slowing down but she says she is still doing Gods work. In her mind she is doing Gods work by standing on the corner shaking her stick at the ones that she think aren't living like she thinks they should. So I believe that God will look on what is in her heart and not what is in her mouth. We were all borned different from each other and no matter how we live we can not please everyone.I know that miss jessie is different and I understand why people that really don't know her one on one don't care for her. But I
  2. Good Thanksgiving morning what a great blessing to wake to another day. God has been so good to grant us another day to live. I thank him this morning for all of his blessing on me. I thank him first of all for his son Jesus that died on the cross that we all might be saved. I thank him for every prayer that he has answered for me. I thank him for my good wife and my children and grandkids. I thank him for my son-in- laws . I thank him for my home and my food, clothes, water, and that I have shoes on my feet. I thank him for my churches that I go to that preach the true word of God and don't w
  3. Did you hear about all of the old maids that were lined up at the Paulding County Airport waiting to get a pat down? :rofl: :rofl:
  4. You should never tell when you are leaving home or how long you will be gone. Warnings on the news about getting on FB or the computer and saying when you will be gone and how long you will be gone. Not trying to tell you what to do just a reminder.
  5. I always pick up J Roberts in the winter when it is real cold and I see him walking. Takes him awhile to get in the car because he is all humped over. He never forgets you when you help him. We have lived here about 32 years and he has been here all of that time. I think he must have been born here. A very sweet humble man that has walked everywhere that he goes for as long as we have known him. Like Miss Jessie some won't have anything to do with him because of how he looks. But seems like I am drawn to people that are different and I think it is because I am different too. So folks speak
  6. Johnny J is as tough as shoe leather. Why it wouldn't suprise me to see him doing the slow dance with LPPT on the Christmas float. Johnny you have to stop falling for all of these women, Just kidding my friend . We will be praying that God will make you well soon.
  7. I would think that when you turned the water off on the line under the sink that the cut off valve had rust in it and when you opened it rust went into your faucet .Some times when I cut my water off under the sink I have to change the cut off before turning the water back on. You need to check your cut off valve under the sink if it has the round red handle they don't last very long. The ones with the long red handle have a ball bearing inside and last a lot longer. Sometimes when you turn the water back on the cut off valve handle will open all of the way to the left but the inside will st
  8. Don't you think that is stretching it a bit?
  9. Tuscanytrailer if you keep showing that big screen TV Santa won't be the only one coming down that chimney. Tree looks great .
  10. I'm Floored sounds like your husband won't be kidding any more. So sorry I just couldn't let it pass.Now don't get mad.
  11. You girls are all wrong. The sexiest man alive was Barny Fife or better known as Don Knox. When his hair had the wind blown look he was unbeatable. :rofl: :rofl:
  12. Yes there was an old well there because I tried to take the well pump out of it after the county bought the land from the ward family. The old house that was there was torn down when the park was built. I don't remember where the well was but I looked in it and thought about getting the pump but decided it would be to much trouble. surely the well was covered up when the park was built. But I don't know that for a fact. The old house I think was up close to the 120 hwy and if I remember the well was close to the house. So I would think that the house was about where the parks office is now.
  13. My daughter Charlies Angels might could use her at the Mountain of Faith church. They have a food ministry where they feed the hungry three day a week. On Friday night from 6.30 untill 8pm they feed about 40 to 50 familys a week. If you would like to help too you might could help carry the boxes of food to the car for the elderly. I don't know if she needs anymore help but you could give her a call. What better example for her than to meet people that don't have life as easy as she does. People that start lining up in the parking lot at 2pm to get their food at 6.30.Good luck in whatever you
  14. Santa is a jolly good fellow. Which nobody can deny. At least all of the people that know him. Don't know how Steven finds time to do all that he does. Bet he has no trouble sleeping at night. This Santa helps people all year round not just at Christmas. Folks take your kids out to see Santa at Kmart and have your picture made. All money goes to help others . After all that is what Christmas is all about. God Bless Santa for all that you do for others. :yahoo:
  15. WOW Now they say they even look up your passport. :rofl: :rofl:
  16. Thank God for the rain. Without the rain we could not live . There would be no water falls no streams or rivers no beautiful trees or flowers. There would be no green grass no feed for the wild animals and no fish to eat.Even if I feel down and out on rainy days I try to not complain because I know the rain is what keeps everything on earth going.Rain is just another one of Gods blessing to us. :yahoo:
  17. I thought someone was asking if that was a person that you could see in the truck. But I went back and reread her post and she was asking if it was someone in the passenger side of the truck. in the first picture count the number of parking spaces in front of the truck. In the second picture count the number of parking spaces in front of the truck and in the third shot there is only about one parking space in front of the truck.What I was saying was the truck still moving in the last picture when the camera flashed. The truck looks completely empty in the last shot. You said the camera only t
  18. The truck is still moving in the first two pictures and stopped in the third picture. Look to the right of the first picture and count the white parking stripes and line the stripes up with the wheels of the truck. now go to the second picture and count the number of stripes from the right to the front wheel of the truck and you will see that the truck was still moving untill the last picture. so I would be sure that the truck was still rolling untill the third picture.So someone was still in the truck or the truck was still rolling in the first two pictures.Watch the shadow of the tree on the
  19. A man and his wife were in bed at 3 am on an cold rainy night when they heard a knock on the door. The man got out of bed and opened the door. A drunk was standing there . He ask [ would you give me a push]. The man got really mad and said it is 3 in the morning and raining I am not going to come out in this rain. He went back to bed and his wife ask who was at the door. He told her what the man wanted and she said you should be ashamed of yourself . Do you remember the night that our car broke down and this nice man came along and gave us a push? So the man gets up and put his clothes back o
  20. Well welcome back LR things just hasn't been the same without you. Glad you are doing good. Will be praying for your brother-in -law. Just like you to be thinking of others instead of yourself. Take care.
  21. Pubby we are sending up prayers for you your dear wife and her family. The Bible says weeping endureth for a night but joy cometh in the morning. We are praying for the morning. May God Bless.
  22. God knows what you need even before you ask. Our prayer is that god will answer your request. God Bless.
  23. No we don't have that problem but our topic titles are still missing. This has been this way going on the second week. This just messes up all of P.Com for me. we can see the persons name that made the post and how many replies was made but don't know what the topic is. To find what the topic is we have to click on the persons name and go to their profile. This has just ruined P.Com for me. I find myself going to face book more and more and I never cared for facebook before. I know that we have a recent topic button but it is just not the same as being able to read it when it is posted. Not m
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