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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. Praying for this young man.
  2. Praying that God will give this family comfort.
  3. CC you are so right nothing like it. No movie star will ever be as beautiful as Gods stars.
  4. Pubby you are right about everything that you said. I just always thought that because most tanks have a safety valve on them that the valve would pop out before the tank would blow. But you can't be to careful when it comes to your life. I had one tank that got so rusty from hauling on the truck untill I stopped using it.
  5. You my friend are a nut. But I hope that you payed for the cookies before eating. :lol:
  6. Pardon me Mike would you repeat that again. :blink: :rofl: I went blind trying to read it all. :lol:
  7. I think you are right. It doesn't say how to destroy it so I guess I will just blow it up. :rofl:
  8. I could say that this just blows my mind. But I hope not.because I don't have much mind to blow. I hope that I am still here in 2016. :rofl:
  9. Folks I bought a portable air tank to use blowing up my tires and it has a destroy date on it. When 2016 gets here I am supposed to destroy it and buy a new one. It was made in China so I don't know if Amercian made is the same or not. This is like having an expiration on food but this is also because of safety reasons. But what if I keep it in a building out of the weather and hardly ever use it does that mean that in 2016 that I still have to destroy it. I think not. I never saw this before on anything. This tank is welded steel but the instructions says that because of the water that get
  10. God blessed us to see another day. :yahoo: :yahoo: What a beautiful day . Lets go to church and thank him for this day. :clapping: :clapping:
  11. The topic titles have been missing on ours for about a week. Does everyone else have the topic showing or is it only us ? This is on the front Fastread page.
  12. If your mother-in- law reads your post I bet you will be eating at home this year. :rofl:
  13. Ladies don't forget the Ladies Day of Leisure today going on till 3 p.m. at the Mountain of Faith Church to benefit their food pantry to feed the hungry. There will be lots to look at and buy for yourself, family or others. So go and enjoy yourself. This is Rainbow. Hope to see you there. 294 W I Parkway Dallas Ga. 30132 An event for women by women. Come out and do some early Christmas shopping. We have raffles, door prizes. Goody bags for the first 50 women through the door. Door prizes every 15 mins. For a full list of vendors you can view our other topic going. ( I dont
  14. This place is on hwy 120 or better known as the Buchanan Hwy . Turn left at the paulding Hospital on hwy 120 and go about 15 miles up the hwy passed Roses store to a place called Draketown and it is on the right side of the road before you reach Buchanan. Hope this helps. :good:
  15. Pubby does a great job. You couldn't pay me enough to take his job. Because no matter what you do you just can't please everyone and keep overyone happy. But I think that pubby is as fair to everyone as anyone can be even if he doesn't always agree with everything that we say. Pubby is caught in the middle between trying to run a business and please the people at the same time. Don't know how he does it but I am glad that he does. More power to you Pubby . Keep up the good work for without you we wouldn't know anything that goes on in this county. :good:
  16. I agree the only news that we get is right here on P.Com.
  17. Prayers for you LR and the family.May God give you comfort .
  18. Thank you so much. You have a great dad. I know you are very proud of him. Eight hours with the kids. Santa will be worn out.
  19. Santa are you going to tell us the dates and times that you will be at KMart? Santa you can write a book like Art Linkletter did[ The funny things that kids say.]
  20. LR we will be praying for you that all goes well. When the Hospital gets low on groceries they go around hanging signs on people's bed that says nothing by mouth. Just kidding. I would take your place here on P.Com while you are gone but we all know that no one could take your place. So get well soon.
  21. Ladies Day of Leisure is a day for all of you ladies to come together for a day of fun and friendship. A day to spend your husbands money while you brag to all of the other ladies what a great husband you have. A day of leisure for you while we the husbands slave at home cooking, washing clothes and dishes, taking care of the kids and scrubbing the floors. Maybe some day we will get a break when all of the work is done and have a day for us. Maybe a day for the men to get away from home for a little while to talk about fishing or hunting. You lady's should be ashamed of yourself. :rofl:
  22. I think they said that Paulding had about ten voting places the last time but had closed some because of light turn out for the last one. I think they have doubled up on the others because of this and that is why the lines are so long. Polls will have to stay open after seven to let all vote the way it looks now.
  23. Just saw on channel 5 people are standing in line 4 hours to vote in Paulding. I think it was Russom where it showed the line was so long. Said the people were really mad and some were leaving.
  24. Pubby the names for the topics of discussion are gone again . They were gone yesterday and still gone today. We need your help again . Thanks.
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