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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. The Topic title got my attention, thought you were talking about yourself....
  2. Lot of history there, very sad. Recently read book about the islands around NY. Hate now reading about all the destruction.
  3. The "dic-headery," in and individual can be caused by another "dickhead"....
  4. Douchbaggery.... The greatest word of all time, simple yet pleasing in its onomatopoeic beauty. For one to commit douchebaggery, he/she is not limited to but may include some or perhaps all of the following behaviors: - the wearing of flat-billed baseball caps backwards - using an enormous amount of gel to spike the hair porcupine style - wearing polo shirts or any other type of shirt with the collar popped, a disgusting gesture that should've died in the 1980s with parachute pants - the sideways peace sign gesture - overdone pursing of the lips - too many visits to the tanning sa
  5. What about "pumpkins".......Tis the season.
  6. If I had the Donald's money you could call me AH, Turkey, anything you want to....well, you still can, I would just feel better if I had his money... BTW CC, don't know yet how that turkey breast taste, but the smell of it cooking is making me hungry as hell.
  7. Maybe in Paulding, not so in NJ...unions ya know...
  8. Hmmmmm, wonder who's body they washed before they dumped it in the ocean...maybe a look-a-like? Saddam H. had one.
  9. I now figure he is dead or he would have come out right after the election. Now Elvis, I still have my doubts..
  10. You are kidding...right? If you really think this then you're right up there with her....
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