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Everything posted by adult.

  1. So what thought-provoking literature would you prefer that does not support a particular belief system? Does such a thing even exist? And he was certainly wrong to do so! But I can't say you're any better for believing that he should be barred from sharing his.
  2. So the class covered thought-provoking material? Heaven forbid. Ah, so you should be free to express your beliefs in an academic setting, but your instructor may neither critique those beliefs nor share his own?
  3. How so? Some of my professors shared their beliefs during discussion, but I see nothing wrong with that.
  4. When you say literature here, are you referring to assigned readings?
  5. After four years in the university system, I can't say I've ever encountered any bias, outside of professors openly sharing their opinion. In which classes does this indoctrination occur?
  6. He found Oklahoma in Paulding County?
  7. Well, there's plenty that's questionable about it, and it's certainly in the realm of science. I'd say that makes it questionable science. Of course, the first major news outlet to report it was Fox News.
  8. There's nothing wrong with sex. I did it as a teen, and I expect teens to do it. But having kids is just gross, especially as a teen. Wrap that sheeze up!
  9. Does everything need to be spelled out literally for you? It is ridiculous to judge the entire group based on the actions of a few. Most Muslims are to Muslim extremists as most Christians are to Christian extremists.
  10. At the current rate, we're either headed for utopia or dystopia.
  11. adult.

    Bert Show

    Not anything on radio, anything on commercial radio. Hell, the Bert Show wouldn't even exist if it wouldn't improve ratings. So anything on the Bert Show... Ah, so the guy who made the announcement is paid to make decisions that will best effect ratings. You've got me convinced now!
  12. The OP was about shariah4america.com. When I did the Whois search, I misspelled the site. Sharia4america.com (no h) is registered to Soltani. A few posts later, I corrected my error. I'd say they both look pretty ridiculous.
  13. adult.

    Bert Show

    Care to answer my question? If this has any effect on ratings, of course it's going to be positive. And, of course, the producer or program director who gave the go-ahead for the announcement realized this.
  14. adult.

    Bert Show

    So all you guys who say this wasn't announced in this manner for ratings, who are now bringing attention to and defending the honor of your morning drive "DJ"s in a public forum; do you not think it is now more likely that more people will tune in to hear about any kind of follow up? ? Arbitron is used for radio, reports come out on a monthly basis.
  15. Did you read any of the other posts? Soltani made the site no one's talking about.
  16. I hope they don't take the sex out; this book isn't just about economics.
  17. adult.

    Bert Show

    Everything on commercial radio is done for ratings. To be clear, I'm not saying the separation is for ratings. Announcing it like this, though, is.
  18. Oopsy poopsy, I searched the wrong one. Shariah4America.com:
  19. Registered to Reza Soltani through Go Daddy. Radical Muslims are into Danica Patrick?
  20. adult.

    Bert Show

    I've always thought the radio was for music. Aren't there soap operas on TV?
  21. And I suppose that if some guy in his basement with a Youtube account starts posting videos claiming we should blow up the moon, it should be front page news.
  22. adult.

    Bert Show

    Commercial radio is so trucked up.
  23. That anyone considers this an actual threat? Agreed.
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