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Everything posted by adult.

  1. Huh, I always thought he was saying "God's racist."
  2. adult.

    Top 10

    Liz Lemon Liz Lemon Liz Lemon Liz Lemon Liz Lemon Liz Lemon Liz Lemon Liz Lemon Liz Lemon Liz Lemon
  3. A higher population makes it statistically more likely for things like this to happen, easy access to news sources makes it more apparent to the rest of us. But people have always been trucked up.
  4. Haven't made it to John 8:7 yet?
  5. An eighteen-year-old honors student and athlete didn't know what alcohol can do? On what planet?
  6. That girl wasn't the victim of anything but her own choices.
  7. So is this about Jungle Juice being some horrible thing, or is it about teenagers being stupid?
  8. Do you really believe that enough people are executed for the elimination of the death penalty to have a considerable effect on overcrowding? I'd be surprised if taxes pay more for death row inmates to live than they do for death row inmates' appeals.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS4C7bvHv2w
  10. If it were up to Netflix, nothing would ever be removed.
  11. adult.


    The one time I've found lost items, they were stolen from someone's car and dumped in my yard. It took a while to go through things to find who it belonged to, but he was grateful and left me a twenty. He would've been out a lot more if he hadn't recovered his stuff, and I had to wait up for him to get into town to get it, so I appreciated it.
  12. First, I don't think this should have been taken to court. Unless the league is receiving any kind of government help, they should be able to discriminate as much as they like. Second, though, I don't at all doubt the bisexuals' claim. It's infuriating how eager some who fight discrimination are to discriminate.
  13. Men have a better sense of humor.
  14. I'm considering joining a religion that requires the removal of the skin of an infant's forearms, hope you all will be just as supportive when Johnny Law tries to tell me this is mutilation.
  15. Identical sextuplets!
  16. Yes, if only our president had been killed instead of a terrorist. You're a despicable person.
  17. Don't forget that some atheistic religions do exist. It is possible to be an atheist and still hold spiritual beliefs. No, someone who believes in the existence of a god is a theist.
  18. The phrases "the 'f' word" and "the 'n' word".
  19. My all natural method: have horrible allergies for years and do nothing about it. While a lot of people are complaining that it's worse than ever this year, I've had no problems.
  20. Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad
  21. Vinyl sales are increasing, though. I'll admit to downloading music illegally, but I'll gladly drop twenty to thirty bucks for a great record. Rolling Stone
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