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Everything posted by cranemec

  1. Ham, collards, black eyed peas, cornbread.
  2. Kroger on Brownsville Rd? That place is a shiithole and no one in the store gives a crap about anything.
  3. Sorry, that was me posting. I saw a Carbunkle and Oats reference and skipped right over it.
  4. I can't speak about what girlie things you need to do but I can tell about my surgery. I had C4-5-and 6 fused in 2006. I actually had very little pain after the surgery. I think I only took pain pills for a day or two. I opted to use my own bone for the grafts instead of cadaver bone. That kind of grossed me out. He took bone from my hip. My hip actually hurt worse than the neck surgery. Even to this day I feel a twinge in my hip where the bone was taken from. Follow doc's orders. Have several good books on hand or read on a tablet where you can download books. Even though you may f
  5. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/12/18/dog-faces-death-after-owner-will-states-that-be-euthanized-buried-with-her/?intcmp=latestnews
  6. (770) 324-6995 mark@willixrealty.com http://www.willixrealty.net/
  7. Hidy Ho there neighbor, that's a mighty fine rig you got there! (We're the Millers reference. ) I thought the Fuzion was new. We are looking at used class A pushers because new ones cost a fortune! We really liked a 2007 Fleetwood Revolution we found and will probably continue to go that route. Our biggest problem will be where to store it as I'm sure you have seen our driveway. The sharp curve halfway down would probably pose a problem getting a RV down.
  8. Did your two go walk about last year and wind up on our porch? The house on the lake. We had two show up, luckily they had their collars on with the phone number. I remember the owner was pretty upset but glad we found them and called.
  9. Seven years since my brother passed the month before Christmas. The first year was pretty bad and we do always miss him during Christmas. He loved Cristmas and enjoyed giving to all of his nieces and nephews as he and his wife never had kids. We don't sit around and dwell on it and feel sorry for ourselves though. We are thankful for the time we did have with him and remember the joy the holiday used to bring him.
  10. It's why I don't let the Jesus peddlers hang around too long on my property, never know which ones are legit and which ones are not. Plus, I just don't want to listen to their crap.
  11. obama didn't mind using the info gained from waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to go after and kill Osama bin Laden.
  12. Damn cops! Be funny if they were trying to do something nice and found a pound of weed.
  13. You forgot the Doodle at the foot of the bed. I had to be a contortionist to get out of bed this morning.
  14. In our house, pet hair is a condiment.
  15. Little Drummer Boy. I want to stick needles in my ears when I hear that crap.
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