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Everything posted by cranemec

  1. Meanwhile, at Mandelas funeral, odumbass can be seen smokin and jokin taking selfies while Mooshelle appears disgusted with his behavior. Always a class act.
  2. Nice Google job. I've said I wanted to make this before and you always turn your nose up. Lol
  3. We have the same tree. On the sofa table behind me at the moment.
  4. I thought she did a great job as well. Julie Andrews wasn't exactly a model actress either.
  5. Nope, not pdub. I don't remember where I got it but. It sure is good.
  6. Ditto Same thing with Pecan, I say it both ways.
  7. A day that will live in infamy has pretty much been forgotten these days. Without the brave men and women who have fought and died for this country most of us wouldn't be able to piss and moan and generally bitch about our petty problems.
  8. I was bitten by our family cat when I was 11. She FREAKED out over my sisters dog and was bouncing off the walls. I grabbed her and tossed her out the door but she bit my hand in the process. That night my dad took me to see a Hawks game ( well, more to see Larry Byrd play rather than the Hawks ) My hand swelled up to 3 times it's normal size that night alone. My mom took me to the doc the next day, you guessed it Cat Scratch Fever and not the Ted Nuggent kind. Took weeks to heal and many, many rounds of antibiotics. I still have the scare on my hand 35 years later.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/your-info#public-info Facebook spells it out in black and white. They also spell out how to avoid this happening. Kim, Matt and Tona have probably liked the Pcom FB page so when "PCOM page admin" (Pubby) goes to a different page that Kim, Matt and Tona also liked, they are basically saying "look, some of your friends like us too". It's quite simple, if you don't want your ugly mug used, don't put it online.
  10. How do you get it to stay on the wall like that?
  11. So you don't like local small business. Got it.
  12. That is a WAY bad idea in our relationship. We keep each other in check and grounded in reality.
  13. Gotcha Looking Good in Hiram. The best.
  14. You think CVS is bad, try Kroger. Talk about a ridiculously long time to fill a prescription! We have become spoiled by Kaiser, it's usually no longer than 10 minutes.
  15. Plus it always seems when the parking lot is empty, the place is packed!
  16. I've had nothing but GREAT experiences at Cedartown. They have always been nice and quick for me. Never been there more than 20-30 minutes. Both of my kids took their written and drivers test there and I've renewed mine a couple of time. Funny how different people have different experiences at places.
  17. On May 28th 2013, a South African scuba diving team were conducting a dead-body recovery effort. They were recovering bodies from a Nigerian ship that had sunk 3 days prior. What they found is astonishing. A sailor had actually survived by finding an air pocket for himself as the ship sunk to the bottom of the ocean. For 3 days Harrison Okene was living in the ship. He had no food, no water, and was in pitch black. Video footage of his rescue has recently been released http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/02/watch-epic-underwater-rescue-of-man-trapped-three-days-under-sunken-ship/ The video is
  18. That's funny sheeze right there! Hello pot.
  19. The dumbassedness continues. ( I know it's not a word, it should be ) http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/12/03/fans-told-to-stop-burning-rubber-near-site-paul-walker-fatal-crash/?intcmp=features Fans burning rubber at the scene. Darwin can't work fast enough.
  20. And starting fires! It's flammable.
  21. I tried those once. Bricks. Bricks I tell ya! We are going with the Sister Schuberts, I had too much to do today to fool with making rolls. I've printed out the one Tundra posted.
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