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Everything posted by cranemec

  1. Good stuff. Zero problems. A third of the price.
  2. Bill's is not bigger. There aren't any good ones around here. The best one was torn down years ago. It was further south on 41 than the one at 92.
  3. Can we borrow him? We've got a chipmunk that is just too fast for the BB gun.
  4. Another idiot with victimitis.
  5. Do what my dad did. He made a game of it. He called it toss sink or swim. I'm still here.
  6. I paid $7.99 per pound for Flank today at Kroger. That's pretty much where it has been for a while. Flat Irons too. You can catch them on sale every so often for $5.99 pound. We usually pay $1.99 pound for boneless skinless chicken. Catch it every so often at $1.79. Split chicken breast are usually at $.99 pound. If your buying ANYTHING at Publix you are paying too much.
  7. I'm so asking him to do his Edith impersonation when he comes to trim the shrubs this week.
  8. I laughed too. Get over it.
  9. Yes, babies in a public pool is gross. But all public pools are. It's not the responsible parents that do everything right, it's the rednecks with the Marlboro hanging out their mouth telling the kid to just go away and leave them alone, they gotta catch up with the articles in Auto Trader.
  10. She is still SMOKING hot!
  11. No kidding. West Metro meats at Whole Paycheck would cost twice as much. We will always buy our meat from WM. For seafood though......drive to Acworth. It's a lot closer and easier to get to than Harry's in Marietta.
  12. I used to go to Carter's Lake on holiday weekends.......until the idiots discovered it.
  13. cranemec


    Because we didn't claw our way to the top of the food chain to eat fruits and nuts.
  14. I would make the same law but it would apply to voting.
  15. Sucks being sick for so long.
  16. Readers Digest version? Ain't nobody got time for that!
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