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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. This talk of Hillary prompted me to post this article: http://ringoffireradio.com/2015/10/19/head-of-benghazi-committee-tells-gop-to-shut-up-they-are-hurting-the-republican-part/ You all still identify as a member of the Republican Party right? If so, the head of the investigation has told you you don't know what you're talking about and you should shut up.
  2. Look at the video again. The driver of the car also crossed the double yellow line. Violating a double yellow line law is not a justification for almost killing two people, as far as I can see anyway. The driver of the car is now saying that being stung by a wasp is what made him swerve into the bike. Wonder if this guy will be Huckabee's newest project.
  3. I agree that he should not have tried to pass but I also think running the bike off the road was a bit excessive. ETA: So I guess you're right, they are both idiots, I think the guy in the car was just the bigger idiot.
  4. This is nuts! This man could have killed these two people and then says "I don't care." http://fox8.com/2015/10/19/driver-who-swerved-and-hit-a-motorcycle-i-dont-care/
  5. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Individualized_Education_Program This says its for students with disabilities.
  6. Sad situation when an 8 year old child is dead by the irresponsible action of a gun owner. Any gun owner.
  7. I cannot imagine what this mother is going through after witnessing this.
  8. The thing about the tea party is they lie, without conscience. All the while quoting scripture.
  9. Paul Ryan? He said that the job of speaker is best suited for an empty nester but isn't he running for president? http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2015/10/09/house-republicans-speaker-ryan-mccarthy/73643178/
  10. You're all butt hurt now. Think I'll go back to totally ignoring you. You just promote your site or your beloved tea party anyway. I won't be missing much.
  11. Actual fact is that the Chinese economy is having an effect on all economies world wide. That is the actual fact. No one is buying your gloom and doom bs anymore. Go promote your crazy, far right, brainwashing tea party ideals somewhere else, we ain't buying it. ETA: AND your article is from 2012.
  12. No credit downgrade here: http://www.businessinsider.com/r-moodys-maintains-us-credit-rating-and-stable-outlook-2015-10 Wonder if it was a lie or an oversight. S&P downgraded us in 2011 so this is old news.
  13. Looks like no one wants to leads this group. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/republicans-struggle-to-regain-their-footing-as-a-party/2015/10/08/ed24da96-6de1-11e5-9bfe-e59f5e244f92_story.html
  14. The tea party has gained power in the house, going as far as calling themselves the tea party caucus. Wonder if they were elected as a republican or a tea party candidate. In case people didn't realize here's a list of tea party caucus members who are in elected positions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_politicians_affiliated_with_the_Tea_Party_movement#Georgia
  15. For a speaker to resign and then for an endorsed candidate to just drop out. That's just strange.
  16. I wonder why he dropped out. I read that he didn't feel that the house was united so he dropped out for the parties sake. Tea Party interference?
  17. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34478783
  18. Actually, the reason I didn't respond is because the latest ban I know of includes semi and fully automatic weapons.
  19. So what? Tell that to the parents of the murdered children in Sandy Hook. BTW does your "overwhelming majority" include automatic or semiautomatic guns with large capacity magazines?
  20. All you need to know about the term is addressed in this article. It's from the New York Times, that's not too high brow is it? http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/17/us/even-defining-assault-weapons-is-complicated.html?_r=0 And is a difference between an assault rifle and an assault weapon. So perhaps we should refer to the ban being on assault weapons. You don't have to be a gun expert to question the need to get control of the use of these weapons.
  21. While many of p.com members think that people will not favor any type of gun control/restrictions, there is information available that say otherwise. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2015/06/18/11-essential-facts-about-guns-and-mass-shootings-in-the-united-states/#10 Refer to items #6 and #10.
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