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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. LOL. Yeah, sounds like maybe that should have been a hint huh?
  2. DON'T DO IT!!!!! J/K But really................
  3. Some posters in this thread need help, real help. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-online-secrets/201409/internet-trolls-are-narcissists-psychopaths-and-sadists
  4. They have medication for smug self importance now? Who knew?
  5. Well, that depends. Is this still you wanting me to believe bogus charts from bogus websites or unfounded personal insults? If so, then yes.
  6. This is the fear mongering the tea party wants to instill in this country's citizens. Of course, lies are what they parrot. And yet, in the next breath they say they want to bring us together. What they don't realize is that folks see through their nonsense. LPPT, is this an example of what you were referring to?
  7. I guess you felt like you just had to say something.....anything.
  8. I, for one, am so tired of posters who say...."the left thinks this and the left thinks that." I'm tired of it because it normally bears absolutely no semblance to the truth. What gets me is that while they are posting these untruths they are also posting "Obama is a Muslim and is not an American and is steering our country towards becoming Muslim, Obama hates Christianity, that we are headed towards Communism, etc., etc., etc.," It's crazy. People, do yourself a favor and research these topics and decide for yourself. Think for yourself because these people are doing you no favors wit
  9. The realization that I have the right to worship as I choose helps me sleep at night.
  10. 1. That is an extraordinarily pretentious response. There is no fallacy in my response. Simple fact. 2. Now I know that's what you think. I am well aware of the horrible things that the church has been involved with in the recent past. I am also aware of the good the church has done for my family and for me. I will not back away from the church anymore than I already have. That's my choice. I think perhaps your beef is with organized religion period. I can certainly understand that but you can't point at any one religion because all the organized religions have skeltons in
  11. TT, your choice of spirituality was formed in 1961, it doesn't even have a history. I wasn't aware that the church frowned on people owning guns.
  12. Someone who doesn't identify solely as a Conservative or a Tea Party member.
  13. Are there any real Republicans left? All I see mostly are Conservatives and Tea Party members in the news.
  14. LOL They come in cat skeltons too. Somehow, I bet the cats are even funnier. Happy Holloween!
  15. This is Waldo. He's a white bone hound and so far a real bonehead!
  16. Hey your choice, your vote. I'm not one bit worried about Boehner.
  17. I don't think Trump is conservative enough for these hard right leaners.
  18. I understand that he feels that he has lost control of the rank and file. In other words, there are some who will not listen to leadership. I'm good with his decision.
  19. I remember in the 60's when John Paul IV visited NY. We were all in Catholic school and they pulled us out and we lined Queens Boulevard in the hopes that we would get a glimpse. The nuns were besides themselves fussing over us girls to look nice. I don't guess I'll ever forget that day. I'm just glad to see another papal visit.
  20. It doesn't matter GD. You made a disrespectful statement and I responded to it. If you choose to call that me firing the first shot.....have at it. Perhaps you need to stop whining when people respond to you in kind.
  21. You make it sound like there is a battle. There is no battle. Neither is there any tolerance for disrespect in a thread I started. You want to show disrespect? Start your own thread.
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