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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I'm not really big on cop bashing but this is way over the top. The accident was less than a month and a half ago. This guy just has gall.
  2. Wonder if this guy will end up as governor one day. I also wonder how the family of the deceased and injured feel. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/trooper-fired-after-fatal-wreck-killed-teens-elect/npKqc/
  3. Bitch? You have repeatedly attacked me for really no other reason than your perceptions of people that were born north of the mason Dixon line. Seeing that my grandparents on my mothers side were born and raised in Ireland before coming here and my grandparents on my fathers side were born in Estonia, not me or no one in my family had anything to do with the civil war. I resent your hate having been directed in my direction just because you need a vent for your hate. Because lady, you are filled with it! So just back the hell off.
  4. When did I post that I thought that everything was pure and wonderful? I didn't. When did I post propaganda? I didn't. If you don't want to believe the website I DID post, I could care less. Look at Putin's approval numbers. When I was in Russia, all we were warned about was the pickpockets. Seeing that your world is so much bigger than the world I live in, what did they warn you about when you were in Russia? Oh wait.........
  5. Talk about living in a bubble. The Cold War is over Low. http://www.sott.net/article/297259-Everything-Americans-think-they-know-about-Russia-is-wrong
  6. What we have here is a failure to communicate. LOL
  7. Ravioli with garlic bread and salad.
  8. Russia is subject to the same basic needs for its people as every other country is. Therefore it is subject to the same restraint as every other world power.
  9. Exactly. It's in his own book as well. All this big deal with people falling all over themselves over this? Really?
  10. Guess I don't pay attention to a $4.00 charge. It may very well be part of our deductible.
  11. Our premiums have gone up every year before and after Obama as well and we have always had insurance through work. We have to pay a co pay for our prescriptions as well. It's $4.00 for the most part.
  12. Whatever. Spin it anyway you like. Like I said good night.
  13. How was my response any more hateful than what you posted to me?
  14. No. What's lame is that you are not acknowledging that they all lie.
  15. I'm not in the habit of lying, unlike Mr. Carson.
  16. I've read what was said. You should try it yourself. You might learn something. Face it, Carson got caught in a lie. It's not the first time a politician has lied, nor will it be the last.
  17. Just so you know, Carson is now ADMITTING to lying about this.
  18. LPPT, it's my understanding that TransCanada, the company that owns the pipeline, withdrew the application because they knew Obama would not agree. Thank heavens!
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