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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Yes, I just heard that on the news. So now a snot nose young girl punk gets national attention? The system is broken and needs to be fixed because this is just absurd. Not sure of the agenda NJ.
  2. NJ, there are many cases where the police have been proven to be in the wrong. Those cases need to be brought out as well. "The Feds" have nothing to do with a kid that won't behave to the point that an officer has to put their hands on them to get them to do what they are told.
  3. I'm not convinced an entire generation is the cause. I know many parents that take their kids education very, very seriously. I think poverty may very well be the cause.
  4. That's what I thought. So now, because of parents, the police are the authority over the kids. That is just so wrong. And sad.
  5. I know Darlington is a private school. Which is exactly why any kid that I am responsible for will go to a private school.
  6. It may be an iPad issue, all I got was a still picture. I tapped the picture several times without change. Wonder if Darlington has the same issues.
  7. Schools that "need law enforcement in the school?" Glad I don't have a dog in this fight, I just get to pay taxes towards the schools.
  8. K...I get it now. Guess the schools can't handle their own business anymore. Where did that come from? Did it come from the parents? Has the schools authority been so watered down that now it's procedure for the police to be called to discipline a student?
  9. I've never had one either. Must have something to do with long driveways.
  10. Why isn't anyone questioning what the cop was doing in the classroom in the first place? Is that how schools are now? Cops are called because the school cannot handle the students? Everyone is OK with this?
  11. Instead of supporting a "cultural conditioning" aspect I would side with the "do what you're told to do by the authorizes" aspect. Especially in school. That is how most of us were brought up and I see nothing wrong with it. This is a new story and I want to see more about it.
  12. I think once the police are involved all bets are off. They are the police, once involved, the situation is going to escalate. Used to be a big deal if the police were called.
  13. Now this story focuses on the fact that this story is really about white against black and racial police brutality. Student is black Officer is white Teacher is black I call bs on this being a racially motivated situation. Anyway, here's the story. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34644336
  14. The courts of Paulding county have nothing to do with this situation nor do they have anything to do with the mindset of the school in question. I'm still not clear why the cop was called into the classroom. Call the parents into the classroom to handle their child and at that point you can let them know the kid is expelled.
  15. I don't ever remember seeing a police officer in any of my classrooms. The school handled its own business.
  16. I noticed the dcgazette didn't show any video at all. Web sites that demonize the "liberal media" in this situation are only promoting division since they have nothing but their words to back up their position. Oh, and while they are at it they let you know that Muslims hate dogs so you better not walk your dog where they live. This type of media is where you form your opinions?
  17. If I remember right, I think the cable company pays for these channels. I THINK the FCC forces the companies to broadcast these channels as a public service. Maybe someone who is more familiar will post but I think that's how it works.
  18. From what I read I guess Mexico got lucky......real lucky.
  19. There are a number of cams but now most are off line and you can't see anything anyway cause of the power outages. Hope and good thoughts going to the people of Mexico as well as the people who were vacationing there and couldn't get out.
  20. I'm sorry for the rough time you and your family are going through. That has got to be tough duty.
  21. I understood what he was saying in the article and I don't particularly care for Hillary either but I don't think that x amount of investigations costing x amount of money is really in the best interest of the country.
  22. I wasn't aware it was a "we" thing. A thousand pardons.
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