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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. There are many, many details that would need to be addressed. On that, we can agree. At least there would be a concept on the table. There are so many guns now, I'm sure criminals will always be able to get guns. I just want to know that the assault rifle issue is being addressed. I have no interest in rounding up the standard guns that are used for personal protection.
  2. What's done is done. No second chances. Well, I guess by your responses for confirmation of what may have prevented this latest shooting is your way of taking care of it. In other words, no change and do nothing about it. Of course, if he was required to get a mental health clearance in order to purchase the guns, perhaps he would not have been able to get his hands on, what, nine guns? Or was it just seven?
  3. I have no interest in making "myself feel better" I am much more interested in discussing the fact that we have a real problem that cannot be dismissed by saying "well, if you do anything about it then only the criminals will have guns" that is not an answer, that's a meme. It's time for a real conversation. Who knows, we may come up with some solutions.
  4. If anyone is ignoring the facts, it's you. How many more people have to be mowed down before you realize this is a very real problem? How many will it take before the conversation can be started with some semblance of reality and common sense?
  5. We will never know what, if anything, could have been done. It happened. Done. Over. The thing is focus on it not happening again. And again. And again.
  6. Ban on assault rifles, mental health clearance to be licensed to carry. What good are assault rifles? What does the average gun owner do with an assault rifle?
  7. How about perhaps some reasonable restrictions that may prevent the next shooting? Or don't you think it will happen again?
  8. Why, oh why? This is the only remaining pita thread theme that was left out. Now they are all covered. Holloween, Fred's, the tunnels and now finally.....the saga of the McRib. It's all your fault Jenilyn!
  9. Well with The Donald I don't think it's a southern thing, I think it's more of a European wanna be thing. He may be of German lineage but that's an Italians dream!
  10. So.....the campaign to make the candidates come across as everyday folks has started I guess. Trump is on the cover of People magazine and Hillary was on SNL last night. The skit with Hillary was ha-lar-i-ous. The People article confirmed The Donald likes marble and gold.....and lots of it!
  11. I agree. So long as they come in peace.
  12. Fawning? Why the disrespect? I'm confused, you said you were not Catholic but you had to adhere to their annulment rules? Was your first marriage preformed in the church? I always thought you had to be Catholic to get married in the church. ETA: Looked it up, only one partner has to be Catholic but both have to be a baptized Christian.
  13. If I could only tell you how "insulted" I am by "other" religions. No one is forcing you to join the Catholic Church......or to follow their rules. Since you are not affected in any way, perhaps you should label your gripes as "vents" so that people know you really don't have any skin in the game and you just want to bitch, or vent.
  14. I think the question is how does that man choose to live his life. No?
  15. You are right about what? That the pope is a man? And as such he has to be born and will someday die? Then yes, I think you are right in that regard.
  16. Unbelievable. This accident has already cause gut wrenching grief. This fact just adds to it.
  17. There is still a pretty significant threat due to flooding from this storm. I would think that the tides are being watched as well. Good luck everyone!
  18. Nice try however you left out one important fact, you supposed and I posted published facts. Be careful GD, it seems that {PEOPLE}, like yourself, are likely suspects in these mass murders. This conversation between you and I is now concluded.
  19. So much for the Christian hating radical Islamic angle I guess. Looks like the shooter was one of your political brothers. I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.
  20. That's the latest I read too. That's great!
  21. So...... After at least 10 confirmed dead and many more injured, the first few thoughts on this board are: I bet you the shooter is Muslim! That's Obama trying to take our guns away!!! It's like a bad exaggeration or stereotype.
  22. I hope the parents of the dead rant and rave and get backing from corporations to make psa's and yell and scream until this craziness is over with!!!!
  23. How unfortunate that the nationality of the shooter is being requested at this early hour. I bet the loved ones of the victims could care less. Dead is dead. SMH
  24. It's the sound of a couple million people saying novenas praying Joaquin stays away. Everyone on the eastern seaboard is preparing, just in case. Hope it doesn't make landfall anywhere! Stay safe!
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