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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Davis's defiance is the wrong test case for the protection of religious freedom," Exactly. Her defiance is so ridiculous that at this point, I think she grandstanding. And wasting time and money. IOW Go sit down Felicia.
  2. Wow. That sounds like real tough duty. Sorry you went through all this.
  3. So....how do you REALLY feel about it? LOL BTW, I agree.
  4. Wow! Hilda that was GREAT! Really well done!
  5. You really have lost your sense of humor huh? It was a joke, hence the LOL.
  6. Sorry, could not resist.. LOL http://www.bartcop.com/aca-care-more-web.jpg
  7. You are right, but then again I firmly believe in separation of church and state, as provided for in our consitution. Another thing I believe is that your personal religious beliefs should not come before ANY OTHER PRIVATE citizens beliefs. You see, at the end of the day, that is exactly what she tried to do.
  8. He didn't want to call a special session of the Legislature because of the cost to the state. I still cannot find where this woman has been reasonable in her approach to get this worked out. She just refused to issue marriage licenses, any marriage license. If you think that was the best way to handle this, then I really don't know what to tell you.
  9. I cannot find any information that this woman approached anyone with a request that her situation be addressed. She just decided that it was her way or the highway. If she wants to buck the system just because she thinks she can, then I really have no sympathy for her.
  10. I think it's wayyyy before D-day, but that's a thought.
  11. Funny, this oath that she also took, mentions the consitution: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/oath-court-clerk-now-jailed-gay-marriage-33516278
  12. This the season! Happy Halloween Hilda!
  13. Here's how. http://www.weddingvendors.com/marriage-license-laws/united-states/kentucky/
  14. They know what the law is but it doesn't seem to apply to the right. As far as I know, one of their memes is how the states should be able to make law that applies to that state. Doesn't matter what the Federal government says, state law should trump all others. Doesn't matter that the consituation provides for federal law to trump. Just another situation for the spin and nonsense to reign, all the while screaming about how consituational rights are being trampled on. It just more diversion from the bitch and moan party of do nothing.
  15. Going to try yet another pizza crust receipe. Pizza with really good toppings, and a salad. I'm a boring purist when it comes to pizza.
  16. Ragsdale. The only one we have used for the last 15 years. They are professionals and know what they are doing.
  17. This is about the separation of church and state, which is, I believe, a law. All the other "stuff" is just spin.
  18. She also took an oath to uphold the laws. An oath is an oath period. When same sex marriage became legal in her state and county, she knew she would be asked to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. She should have resigned then and there. But no, she didn't do that. Instead she has made herself out to be a martyr on behalf of her religious beliefs and the right has rallied up their extremists to get behind this self important, hypocritical nut job. The people she was to serve as an employee of the county have been cheated by this woman.
  19. The more I think about this the more outraged I get. Who in the world does she think she is? Seriously.
  20. Well, it seems that because she is an elected official, she can't be fired, she would have to be impeached. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/09/02/436893283/heres-what-we-know-about-the-ky-clerk-refusing-gay-marriage-licenses
  21. Do her job or leave her job. A government job is not a platform for personal beliefs.
  22. Take a second and try to be reasonable. There is no such thing as "..........ALL anything." Just like you could say that all black people hate white people. They don't.
  23. I'm afraid so. To hate like that........... Guess we will all get the spin soon.
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