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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Again, rather than this pointless back and forth childishness, folks just research it for yourselves. Here's a starting point. https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/04/15/we-are-spending-153-billion-a-year-to-subsidize-mcdonalds-and-walmarts-low-wage-workers/?utm_term=.3fbb521a464d
  2. Rather than respond to the posts that deny this concept, I'm just going to suggest that people research this issue themselves. You will find that the big minimum wage employers do, in fact, get subsidies in the form of public assistance paid for by the American taxpayers. All the while posting profits in the billions.
  3. LPPT was the first one to bring this to light, on p.com anyway but I'll do my best to explain. Walmart pays a great many of their employees such a low wage that they qualify for the food stamp program..in other words, the us government is subsidizing their employees so they can eat. Not only that, but chances are, they are using their food stamps to buy their food from Walmart! Win, win for Walmart. Something else isn't it?
  4. No need to apologize, not at all. I appreciated the info.
  5. I went based on your post. I got some lamb and crab laws. I can't deal with the smell or the attitude of many of the customers there. I'm always game for different shopping experiences, I'm just not into feeling like I've just walked into a third world bodega. Glad I went, won't go back.
  6. Sunday.....house and property chores, making sure the dogs get out and about, make lunch, work some more than get dinner ready. Between that, do laundry, brush out Shepard, give the cats some grief. My favorite Sunday past time is.......giving the cats some grief! Trust me, they deserve it!
  7. Actually, we have tried to have a conservation about this topic several times. It has been stated again and again that red states are the winners of the bulk of public assistance. Just because you want it to be true and you say it's true, doesn't mean it's true. http://www.businessinsider.com/red-states-are-welfare-queens-2011-8
  8. What disturbed me is that it appears people intentionally represent themselves to be more than they really are. This military is all volunteer and the services have give them a job and a future they can work towards. I really don't believe that anyone, Demo Socialists included, really would back what you are saying they would back. These constant attacks on the left by posting these stupid and untrue lies is of no help to anyone except the most ill informed shock jock radio listeners. BTW, the only people that I have seen looking for free hand outs are right leaners. I'm sure that
  9. After all their sacrifice and commitment they have managed to embarrass themselves and the USA. Said in my best N.Y..............F'ing guys.
  10. You say "Harming others is not the answer" and I agree. The problem is that you have no concept of their anger and frustration. You do not live in their world and you cannot apply your senseabilities to a culture you do not understand. I would like to see a moderate voice raise to the top and give these people some guidance.
  11. Obama? Surely you are not suggesting the federal government override the states authority. The state has put the national guard on alert. http://time.com/4451706/milwaukee-unrest-national-guard-scott-walker/
  12. Happy Birthday LR. Hope you had a great day!
  13. Honestly, I'm not sure why they are even trying to get new positions approved. How many people lost their jobs because of the anti airport people crawling into county business to the extent that they thought they knew what positions should be eliminated? I would think that all this micro managing has gotten to the point of being harmful to the daily business of the county. Here's a novel idea, officials have been elected by the people. How about letting them do their job? If we have grievances, we will have a chance to vote them out of office with the following election.
  14. I'm not sure who owns the building or the deers. I always thought it was kinda neat that they dressed them up for certain holidays. It always made me smile when I drove by them. Nice to see a sense of humor every now and again.
  15. Anyone and everyone who has a different point of view than you is "stupid" but yet you defend freedom. Thank heavens Pubby has been able to keep this board up and running. You would have no where else to insult and belittle people because I am more than sure your style of "debate" would not be allowed. Like on your own board.
  16. I guess if they can say Obama is a Muslim then they can say Trump isn't a legal citizen.
  17. I've seen this type thing with family and friends. Some kids are just selfish and amazingly self centered. To the OP, that's your decision to make.
  18. Yeah, I was pretty shocked when I heard that cop say that as well.
  19. OK folks I agree with your stances as far as cops acting like judge, jury and executioner. The thing is, the cops cannot continue to kill these young, unarmed people. I get that and I agree. I also remember hearing the voice of the cop on that video where the girlfriend recorded the whole thing. He sounded terrified. Absolutely terrified. That is the reality of what these cops are dealing with. And that's not right either. So, what's a possible answer? Better, more effective training? I don't know. What I do know is it's got to stop.
  20. Man, I wish these kids would quit running once they are caught.
  21. Good. Wonder how much money was spent on defending this.
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