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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. So Russia is not at fault on this issue. It's all on us huh?
  2. Enjoy. I can't decide which part of the cooler weather I like best. Fall is, and always has been my favorite season. Round the corner from jeans and sweaters!
  3. There is much more to this story. Why aren't you calling for Russia to honor their end of the deal instead of siding with Russia? http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/09/us-threat-russia-halt-talks-syria-assault-aleppo.html
  4. Even if it's no help to the OP. That's a pretty cool page. Maybe the historical society? Good luck, pretty cool that you making the effort.
  5. I'm done. You haven more than proven your only tactic is "BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Sad really.
  6. LisaC was kind enough to post the actual words used in that conversation. But yet somehow you still stand by your position? Now, who's the fool?
  7. Whatever GD. Prove it. All you have proven in this thread is that your word is not to be trusted and that you think people are idiots.
  8. You are the fool GD if you think that that recording proves that Hillary, instead of someone that they can't even confirm was a staff member, and was subsequently told to go, started the birther conspiracy. I'm insulted that you really think people are that stupid!
  9. Only Taitz was and is a right wing activist. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/09/23/republicans-are-blaming-hillary-clinton-for-the-birther-movement-thats-wishful-thinking/
  10. You say that LisaC statement is wrong because she used left wing sites to debunk your statement but yet you use a right wing site to prove she is wrong? Does this make sense to you?
  11. Hillary thought better of making that comment and apologized.
  12. Will I at least take some time and check the facts? You say this condescending statement and you expect me to take you seriously? I don't.
  13. That can't happen until you quit with the sentiment that people who disagree with your politics MUST be under some kind of mind control of the Demoracratic party. Really?
  14. I'll tell you what GD when you are ready to discuss the issue honestly, I'll be more than happy to participate, until then I have no desire to read your fairy tales. Because that's what the majority of your post is.
  15. GD, just because you state something does not mean it's the real truth. I have lived in this state for 35 years and have met many seriously racist people. Its a generational issue taught from parents to their kids as part of their upbringing. To deny this is simply not the truth. To deny the history of the Republican Party is also not the truth. It's there and has been there for decades. This article addresses the issue much better than I can. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/11/what-social-science-tells-us-about-racism-in-the-republican-party/
  16. I posted that article because it did admit racism exists in both political parties. And it does. However, it is much more a part of the heritage of the Republican Party than it is of the Demoracratic party. History tells us this over and over again. Being the history is the history, and after seeing and hearing the racist behavior of the Republicans towards our president, anyone that says that they are tired of the label that they have brought upon themselves is rather ridiculous. Racism is here and has been here, the question is how do we work together to eradicate it.
  17. Thought this article was interesting. http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/trump-backers-most-bigoted-gop It's not just the few here that voice this opinion.
  18. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/studentid.asp
  19. Nor does it take a rocket scientist to shower hateful judgement on someone else.
  20. Jennifer Anniston is a whole other issue. Angelina has a look and an attitude to her that is beyond just being a weasel. Uncaring and very narcissistic. Gee, can you tell I don't like her?
  21. I'm sorry but I always thought of her as a predator. Can't help it.
  22. This guy is a real go getter. I'm glad he was at that mall, clearly qualified to handle the situation. And like I said, he's also a cop.
  23. You google and get back to us. Here's the story I based my post on: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/latest-claims-responsibility-minnesota-attack-42173338 What link did you base your post on Mrs Howard?
  24. He is also an off duty police officer. I see no evidence of him being a gun store owner or a NRA instructor. I did find where he is an instructor, not a NRA instructor but an instructor. . .
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