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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. That's what we had here too. Maybe there is hope for our lawn after all.
  2. That's a good long life for a big dog. He must have been cared for well. RIP.
  3. So glad you posted. I was thinking about how it went for you and your son. I'm glad that you are pleased.
  4. You will be blown away by the beauty of upstate New York. Do it!
  5. ETA, I just heard a blip of a story on the news. Looks like he just wants everything to go back to normal and wants no further conflict with Trump. I'll watch the whole story when it comes on.
  6. From what I read, he was asked to speak at the Clinton campaigns request. He said he was "honored" and he believed that he would be treated fairly under Clinton whereas under Trump he would not. It's his story to tell. I'm not jiving with judgement on a time limit to mourn.
  7. Got a message from a new member that she has bonded out. Looks like she has some money behind her huh?
  8. She has finally been arrested. http://patch.com/georgia/dallas-hiram/woman-arrested-wreck-killed-teen-couple?utm_source=alert-breakingnews&utm_medium=email&utm_term=police%20%26%20fire&utm_campaign=alert
  9. Yes you can. That's the thing, you can control certain health issues without the medicines doctors seem to try and push on you. Good luck!
  10. Thanks, I neglected to say why I refuse to use them......as far as the people that I do know that use them....they don't work and at least in the case of my sister, cause more problems. I've taken fish oil daily for years. If there's a natural way, that's what I'm going for. It's not a miracle but heart issues are all over my mothers side and so far, no issues for me. But I monitor myself with visits to a doctor for tests. They do try to push this type of medicine. If it runs in your family enough that it's an issue for you, I guess the best thing is to try and stay on top of it.
  11. I refuse to take any statins. Not that it has anything to do with it but my sister is part of the class action suit against one of the big name statins. She did this after having 4 heart attacks and after she started taking this statin, then had a stroke.
  12. Sad. Such promise lost. Thoughts to his family.
  13. That and the media. Who cares anyway?
  14. Like LR said, sounds like a plan. I hope they do the right thing by you.
  15. Wish I had a solution but unfortunately anymore we have to be hyper diligent when we deal with any kind of workmen. Of course you have a few options but please think long and hard before waging an Internet war. My thought is it wont be worth the stress. Contact the BBB and see if they are members? Good luck, I know it's a mess.
  16. I had this going on too. I found that if you open a topic you can see a place to start a new topic. Maybe that will help.
  17. I'm so sorry, I know it's frustrating!
  18. http://www.paulding.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/5234 More info.
  19. I'll wait to celebrate once an official announcement is made. But so far, so good!
  20. Yeah!!!! Thank the lord people got out and voted! http://patch.com/georgia/dallas-hiram/carmichael-fuller-elected-paulding-unofficial-results?utm_source=alert-breakingnews&utm_medium=email&utm_term=politics%20%26%20government&utm_campaign=alert I am so relieved!
  21. Horrible, barbaric, sad. No politics or religion could possibly justify this behavior.
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