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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Here is a website that lists the theories, I've been hearing about the Marshall law rumor for years. It's pretty entertaining. http://www.obamaconspiracy.org
  2. Maybe you are looking to buy in one of RV resorts in Florida. If that is the case you are leasing the lot and buying the trailer? Is there an exclusive on the realtor? You have me curious cause I've looked at them as well.
  3. So you are buying "the dirt" aka the lot that the trailer is on right? I don't understand the need for a realtor if you're not.
  4. ......and no jokes about your experiences of the night before....
  5. Huh? Since when don't you have access to your own phone records? Why didn't he get his records on his own? If the records are not available to the owner, that's news to me. This wasn't Stephanie's burden, this was Todds. No?
  6. Anymore, you could be jaywalking and be ordered to produce identification. If you are in a car, that's a done deal.
  7. You mean that some of the people named in the report have now endorsed Leggett?
  8. At this point, I don't see the need for anyone to view the documents. I've not read that there is a question about the content. If you feel the need to see the complete document then go for it. I don't think you'll come out the other end with anything other than the names of the whistleblowers. I mean the cow has gotten out of the barn. No? One thing I don't understand is why it was stated in this thread than this document was not public record.
  9. Evidently, Obama is not the first President to send good wishes on this holiday. https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2002/12/20021205-5.html
  10. Looks like Obama has always sent a release addressing this Muslim holiday. https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/08/18/statement-president-occasion-eid-al-fitr This link is from 2012. Considering the number of Muslim Americans in this country, I'm comparing it to the annual Christmas press release.
  11. I think it's like this all over this area. All I know is I'm gonna have to peel my dogs off the ceiling if it keeps up much longer. Lots of thunder!
  12. Right now, it's like a "press rewind and play" of earlier today out here.
  13. Roasted chicken leg quarters and fresh spinach cooked with garlic and olive oil.
  14. Hard rain, loud thunder, lightning............oh my. Here in Yorkville.
  15. Yea Jenilyn, we only know what he wanted us to know. Let's think about that for a while.
  16. No, I think you're right. Just saw the story. Remains of another dog was found buried on his paulding co., residence. That dog was Inkas mother. Still haven't located the remains of the yellow lab. I wonder if this guy was breeding dogs to be fed into the service field.
  17. 3rd? Oh my. I must have been upstairs cleaning when that story came on.
  18. I wasn't being nasty, I was being truthful. But, I usually am. Quit the personal attacks, it makes you look bad.
  19. Hillary had to defend herself for her stupid oversights. Its done, we learned a good deal about changes that needed to be made to the state department practices and procedures. I am over all this money being spent on these investigations. How about you guys get a viable candidate to run for your party? Oh wait, all you have are extremists. Rabid republicans who will work with no one. Your party is a joke these days. Aren't you folks glad? This is what you created.
  20. Hold onto your hat. The incredible spin and outright lies from the right is on the way. Whatever. Propaganda buster my butt.
  21. I wish all of you experts would have come to the conclusion you have come to BEFORE 7 million dollars had been spent on just this investigation. Fiscally Conservative my butt.
  22. Jeeze.....haven't my dogs been through enough? I'll get them braced for round two. Hopefully the reality beats the forecast.
  23. As soon as I read about this yellow lab being shot while in his care, I thought ok this guy needs some more looking into. Why this cop wanted to work with dogs is beyond me. Sad.
  24. Brief frog floater here in Yorkville.
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