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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I would not be interested in a bunch of rich people showing off what they had. I like the idea of the yard signs cause I think it would be the beginning of a tradition of civic pride. Not sure where you get the idea that I was insinuating that only rich people would have something to share. I was headed more in the direction of civic pride and hard work. Not everything comes down to the haves and the have nots.
  2. When we first moved out here, a neighbor said to me to be careful who I let on the property cause there are lots of people who are just seeing what you have so they could make a list of things they could steal. While I'm sure that kind of thing happens I am also sure that there are lots of folks who would be happy to join in. I went on a tour through Natchez and Vicksburg to tour the old antebellum homes and it was fabulous. I'm not talking about that kind of tour cause I don't think there are any properties that fit that mold but rather a more informal tour to see what others have don
  3. I should have bet money someone would go that route. That's a pretty nice place you got there! I have seen many, many beautiful properties as well as shacks around the county so I thought I would ask if there was any kind of organized tours. I bet lots of people could gain knowledge from other folks just using their vegetable gardens or their flower gardens. For a county that has so much pride about their heritage (never mind their steaks ) I'm surprised there's not a club that shows off their civic pride. We need a native to start one up. If a Yankee tried to, I just don
  4. I posted the other day about visiting Fairhope, Alabama and I wanted to follow up to let y'all (you'se guys) know how much civic pride I saw in downtown Fairhope. You could see that an effort was made. Does Paulding have any kind of tour of homes? Garden tours?
  5. Not for nothing but I am soooo tired of looking at posts concerning teens and all that that involves, I'd be good if I didn't read another for a while. So girlfriend, there is your response.
  6. Sevin dust all of them cause they do get mites. Keep an eye out for other chickens pecking at the affected area. I sevin dusted mine a bunch and it didn't seem to hurt them any.
  7. Hell, I would get the best attorney I could get. If you think that is the wrong approach then you have no idea what your kid is up against. I would do anything I could to keep my kid out of the system. DONE. Trust me, within the family the kid would know better to ever do this kind of thing again.
  8. Hey girlie girl! BTW, STILL love the ant.
  9. I think I would have more of a problem with the parents than with the kids. I was a mothers helper and the spoiled parents were way harder to deal with.
  10. Some of the folks I spoke to said that they don't even own homes anymore. They just divide up their year between 2 to 4 regions and travel. They said this while standing next to their $600,000.00 rigs. Some said that they were there for 4 months out of the year to be closer to their families. Once the weather gets better wherever they live, they go home. Seems like they prepared for their retirement to be able to do it the way they wanted to do it. I say good for them!
  11. If you think that what I saw this weekend was an inexpensive way to live, you are waaayyyy off base and in any case I do believe their rigs would be repossessed before their houses got foreclosed on.
  12. Fairhope is outside Mobile and is close to the gulf coast. Artsy, quaint, southern. It was our maiden voyage with the new travel trailer. I think it would be a good home base if you wanted to do the gulf coast. I made the mistake of bringing our three dogs. Now, THAT was crazy! I have ingested enough dog hair to choke an elephant! High jack over.
  13. Just left an RV park in Fairhope, Alabama and every single site was taken, the town was packed with people spending money so all these folks that are wringing their hands do not appear to be in the majority.
  14. I think I'll do what you told everyone to do, and google it. Are you talking about 6x6 hog wire? More or less?
  15. I was just giving you a hard time about "Bubba". See, I've had occasion to try and work with rebar and I didn't know what I was doing and, as a result, it wasn't pretty. So, I would need a hand with that. Think about it and let me know. Sounds like it would work real well for a long time.
  16. Bubba, (well that's a first ). Can you make the cages? For a fee of course. A buddy is doing a garden and might need them. Are they welded?
  17. Isn't is just amazing how many different versions there are of this story? I just saw a film of when Zimmerman was brought into the police station. Guess what? No blood, no gash, no apparent broken nose. Before you put a judgement call on this situation be aware of the fact that we do not know what really happened. Yet.
  18. Best of luck on Sunday.....hope everything goes smooth as silk. Post pictures k?
  19. Thank you. To the OP, call GLT at 770-445-4666. I have used them for years. They are truly the only plumbers I will deal with. Do not try to do this yourself Hun. It's gas lines and best left to the pros.
  20. The thing I can't get past is that he killed the kid. If Zimmerman felt threatened, fine, shoot him in the leg or in the arm but to shoot to kill? I don't get that at all. This kid is dead and the man that shot him has not been arrested. At this point, I think he should be arrested and go through the system, just like everyone else. I don't care about the law that he is hiding behind. This is not the wild, wild west. This kid is dead. I have another question. How come that trooper that killed the wife of that couch never got arrested. If it had been you or me you can bet your l
  21. I was at a friends house about 20 years ago and they ordered Papa John's. They didn't have any taste either. Cardboard with catsup just about sums it up.
  22. Now I have a comparison as to your taste. Papa John's? You eat that stuff? That's not even food. Now I get it.
  23. Oh jeeze BB, I wasn't laughing at you personally but for anyone to compare a world class steakhouse like Chops or Bones to The Steakhouse in Rockmart is pretty funny. And its not the price of the meat, it's the quality of the meat. I've eaten at the steakhouse before and I thought the meat was tough and fairly tasteless. Sorry, but that's the truth. Sorry if that offends anyone. I have eaten there too and I thought it was going to be my last supper. Very unhealthy tasting food.
  24. Really? Fancy has nothing to do with it. The quality of the meat is the issue and it's not cheap. Be sure to consider Phat Phils as a possibility.
  25. OK now, let me get this straight, Rodneys and The Steakhouse in Rockmart are being compared to Chops, Bones, Mortons of Chicago, etc? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You guys totally forgot about Phat Phils on 120. Too much!
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