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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Maybe Hun, but not by much! Glad you had a good day. Happy birthday!
  2. P.com forgot to send birthdays wishes to Lowrider? This should be reported to the mayor!!! Happy birthday Lowrider, I hope you had a wonderful day. How old are ya?
  3. Yes we are better off today than we were four years ago. Four years ago, I was in a cab in NYC listening to a news item on the radio that confirmed that Washington Mutual was being taken over. Four years ago we were watching our 401ks being beat up black and blue. Four years ago was a pretty scary time, so yes, I think we are better off now there we were then.
  4. I think that is a great picture Lowrider.
  5. Back when I was young and carefree,me and my friends knew what to party was.....not for nothing, this doesn't sound like a party to me. It just sounds like dumbass, dangerous behavior. Somehow, when I was growing up, drugs were everywhere but yet somehow it didn't include this drug. Doesn't sound like a party to me. Then again, nothing involving a needle was a party. Ever.
  6. If you have to stay in Paulding then my vote is fuji. It's clean, fresh tasting and let's face it, sushi isn't the cheapest anywhere but they are, reasonable.
  7. A very good girlfriend in NY has it and has been dealing with it for approx. eight years now. This was before it was recognized and treated as a real condition. Did the rounds of doctors who poo pooed it and by the time she was able to find a doctor that would help her....she was in advanced stages. Very debilatating, an effort to get out of bed or to be able to live her life. Muscle aches, brain fog, no energy, everything was an effort for her. Once she found the right doctor, she was put on massive, and I do mean massive, amounts of antibiotics. She is able to function now but s
  8. The quote that you quoted had a typo in it PM....should have read the hard right. I can assume that everyone knew what I meant through.
  9. Anytime, and I mean anytime I ask the hard left on this board to justify their comments, they never do. They just don't respond.
  10. Pizza is an art to me and MM just doesn't do it for me. In fact, it's close to the worst I've ever eaten. Teenagers putting crap ingredients on top of crap crust. Ugggg. Sals is so much closer to real pizza. Just my opinion of course.
  11. No we don't. He does not care about small time average Joe. You really think a big time rich dude, BIG time rich dude needs to be our President? I don't. THAT is what will lead us to chaos and class wars. I don't want to see that. Gas prices rise and fall.....it is what it is and outside of Presidential powers. Georgia has one of the highest unemployment states. Is that the nations problem? You have an agenda, as I do.....we will see who the people elect... I wish I knew the outcome.
  12. I wish I could laugh about it but I'm too worried for our Country to laugh about it Zoo. Truly. People think because he has money for himself that he knows how to make money for the country? No, what he will do is make more money for himself and his buddies.....that is truly what I think he will do. I do not trust him and I really don't care about what party he is. People with that much money, in public office, scare the hell out of me.
  13. Romney is an opportunist ....you know that....so what's your problem? He was a winner in the LBO phase...he had money so he made more money with the opportunities that presented themselves...fair enough. Do I want a man that had that kind of 800 pound gorilla mentality for our president? No. I have a problem with a member of the lucky sperm club leading this country. And that is exactly what he is. Plain and simple.
  14. Maybe you have a back story......I don't, so I just listen to the music and grin at all the memories around the trail riding campfire with friends, and sometimes, family. In other word, if he is a jerk, I don't care.....
  15. If I like their music I don't care about anything else. That's the part they share. I know people think he's a jerk...that's OK...I think he rocks cause I have lots of memories from his music. Everyone sucks at one point and time. Everyone.
  16. Just think of the possibilities Zoo.....bet it would help Melissa out in a large way.
  17. I plan on going. Wish you would make the effort to go too. Need a ride? I can do that.
  18. Because its THEIR money...not OUR money. I hate politics.
  19. Nope...GD Yankees! And don't you forget it! :p
  20. Oh, did the South ever stop fighting the North?
  21. I hate to read that he's a jerk. His music makes me happy! Honky Tonk to love songs.....my favs are Bible Belt (closing song on the "yout " movie, My Consin Vinnie), Trouble, gosh....there's so many. I don't have to deal with him being a jerk.....I can just enjoy his music and daydream of him being a good guy.
  22. It's a REAL heartbreak when you realize you can't eat anything and everything like you used to huh? I never worried about it either until .......... And it stinks!
  23. Well, putting up a barn and installing fencing is a lot of work as well as $$$$. On an aside, when you're ready for fencing, skip the barb wire, in fact, skip the wire period. One good fence injury will pay for horse safe fencing. Please, trust me on this.
  24. I am blessed with good pasture so one gets 1 scoop and the other gets 1 1/2 scoops per day. LLF is correct about the scoop vs pound but I find it easier to just refer to scoops because the scoops are based (loosely) a two pound scoop. We've had good rain here this year so the pastures are in good shape and provide lots of nutrients to the horses that I don't have to pay for. It's gets rough when you have to pay for everything your horse eats. There are many factors that go into the original set up for your horse. Some are easy keepers and stay looking good with little feed while oth
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