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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Yeah, the attorneys should enjoy that tidy sum huh?
  2. Sorry this happened to him. It's one of those situations that you just know is wrong and there's just not a whole lot you can do about it. There's not a whole lot you can do because it would cost an arm and a leg and at the end of it you would have so much rage.....it's just not worth it. One of those life is too short things.
  3. Say what? What are you taking about now? Six years after he was sworn into office? Is that what you mean?
  4. I read that that Mosque threw him out of their services one time.
  5. Just thought I would throw this into the mix. You all know Rachel Ray right? She had a Pitt that she loved and the dog got old and passed, so she got another one. Read a story that her dog jumped on another dog and bit it's ear off. Now, some people say that this type of dog is mild mannered and just as loving as can be, that it is the owners that make them mean. In this case, that is a bunch of bull because that dog has been made a part of the family and spoiled beyond spoiled. I love my dogs and I don't really have a major problem with the aggressive breeds but I will never have
  6. I think just about everyone agrees with me on this and I'm not looking to beat a dead horse. It's needlessly, heartbreakingly sad for everyone affected. No doubt about that.
  7. And I do as well. I just don't see that the US needs to be involved in making that happen.
  8. I think I got her point but perhaps I didn't lay it out. What I meant to convey was that while I understand that her mothers love is making her want to look out for her sons I don't CARE about her sorrow or her pain. I understand that a mothers love would drive her to defend her sons but I'm sorry I just can't muster sympathy for the woman who raised these terrorists. I care far more for the VICTIMS of her sons actions. I'm sure there are folks who are screaming "But you don't have kids so how would you know?" Right is right and cowards are never right. She raised cowards. Only
  9. Whoops! Since we agree, does that mean I have to make up a nick name for you? I need some lead time for that one.
  10. I wonder how the mother of the family of the 8 year old feels. Wasn't the whole family either killed or maimed? Sorry, she is no "sister" of mine. I want to see my fellow countrymen made whole long before I give a thought to how she feels. Can't help feeling that way.
  11. Dude, they were from Russia, which is not in the Middle East. Or did Glenn tell you it was?
  12. I would be interested to know how they all qualified for public assistance. I know it's a small thing but she was carrying a LV bag! Those things are stupid expensive.
  13. Of course it's a fictional name, no wait there really is a law firm of that name. Good grief, happy Tuesday.
  14. The name that came to me is of a law firm. Dewy, Screwem and Howe
  15. The Washington Post says the younger one was a citizen and the older one citizenship was being held up by a domestic violence charge but he had a green card. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/04/22/reminder-the-alleged-boston-bombers-were-here-legally/
  16. I don't think she will come here. I think the father will come, see his wounded son and take his dead son back to Russia. Btw, nice Louie bag she had in one picture I saw. Wonder if she stole it. She needs to stay in her homeland and mourn the loss of her sons there.
  17. Any pending charges will be waived by this administration? Where does that info come from?
  18. Maybe put them in the fridge for a week Blondie? Heck, you have nothing to lose.
  19. I never had any luck with tulips blooming past the first year. I know they do through. I thought it might be they need a good hard freeze in the winter.
  20. Geeze Slick, you had me ascared for a minute.
  21. PLEASE tell me you don't really believe that.
  22. Not for nothing but there's many many pictures of Bush kissing Saudi's but that is not the topic. It's more about the bs being spoon fed to the general public.
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