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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. He has made things worse? No he hasn't. Remember what condition we were in, RIGHT after a republican left office? Things are better now but I guess that's because the republicans somehow worked all of it out. Right? The job belongs to this Congress? I make you this promise. Every single election that I have a vote in, that vote will be against every single one of these lazy, ENTITLED, do nothings.
  2. They have nothing but hate for this president and you know it. They would no sooner work with this president than fly to the moon and you know that as well. They would sooner see this country suffer the repercussions of the world seeing this infighting with the debt ceiling looming. They would sooner see this country on her knees than show any cooperation with this president. They are a disgrace. An absolute disgrace.
  3. Yup, lets get rid of executive orders available to the president, then at least the federal government can REALLY come to a dead halt because Congress AND the presidents hands will be tied. Oh....that's right congress can't get anything done, they are too busy tring to defund Obamacare.
  4. Sorry, I don't know what's going on with your sign in. Is your membership intact? Whatever it is FIX IT! We need you here!
  5. Fear mongering is based on the belief that people won't go behind the misinformation to find out the truth. Seems to be that these websites are taking them for idiots. How do you folks feel about these liars now that you know they are taking you for fools? The Obama administration has done a deplorable job of informing the general public on how this program is going to work. They left the door open for these whack jobs to throw out misinformation.
  6. I would be curious to see if any increase due to Obamacare would exceed any increase that the insurance company would put into place as a matter of the cost of doing business. We all know healthcare wasn't going down in price.
  7. I agree. Perhaps we should all take the personal responsibility and find out the truth and how to applies to each of us and not rely on websites with an agenda to spread misinformation.
  8. I agree. But then again I agree with just about everything you post.
  9. They are rude in Cedartown aren't they? They were when I went there.
  10. So C R B, turns out I have to thank you because now I know what folks meant about the saying "don't feed the troll." So now, I won't.
  11. I used to do this stuff up until a couple of years ago. I suddenly realized that I was making myself a little nuts having to keep up with all this "stuff." Got tired of it. Gave all the little hotel bottles to the senior home along with a bunch of magazines.
  12. You can't treat him like a soldier because he didn't act like a soldier, he acted like a madman. You're just trolling with this argument.
  13. I wish that store would get a competent manager because it could be great. As it is now they seem to have either raw kids or idiots helping their customers. I brace myself every time I walk in there.
  14. Oh, I understand what he wrote. It's unfortunate that you feel the need to constantly turn the tables to make any and every thread, political. This problem of race is an American as well as a worldwide problem and transcends political party lines. But please, don't miss your chance to grandstand about how the republicans as well as conservatives as well as Christians are being maligned.
  15. Funny, but I didn't see Mrnn name a political party at all.
  16. "Disco is Dead" dear Lord, I remember that statement being said in earnest.
  17. I agree. I also think any news station that reports a story like this needs to be absolutely SLAMMED!
  18. You missed a very important piece of information Lucky. ....the article provides nothing more than speculation that cannot be backed. So no, it's not how the OP implied it was. What kills me is everyone wants to yell and scream about how blacks are ruining and draining the country but when their education is focused on they yell and scream about how biased it is.
  19. Bubble blower huh? Whatever. I'm not wasting any more time with your baiting. Have a good day.
  20. It doesn't upset me at all. I just hate that your family is being fed this trash.
  21. Do some research with some websites outside of The Daily Caller. Here's some info from Fox to break you out of that bubble slowly. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/2012/barack-obama/issues
  22. So, I guess you believe anything so long as its in print and anti Obama. http://thecommonsenseshow.com/ If this garbage is what you want to go with, that's your right.
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