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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Oh, guess you're not going on the leaf cruise. Sorry about that!
  2. Ohh....you're going on the leaf cruise? That's great. I hear really good things about that trip. To be honest, I'm pretty over the piña cola/lay out in sun kind of thing anyway.
  3. I hope you have a blast! Quest for blue water?
  4. Can't say I remember the group or the song but it sounded pretty good.
  5. I'm just curious, since he thinks the Beatles were "overrated" what music does he think is not "overrated?"
  6. Hey! I just saw you and your husband, as well as the creek running across your driveway, on the news!
  7. You know I wish you the best but .......... South Dakota? Dude, really, South Dakota? However, I'm really glad to hear you will not do without indoor plumbing.
  8. I was directed by a vet to give one of my dogs Benadryl. I was shocked at the amount of tablets I was directed to give him. I can't, for the life of me remember how many but I want to say it was 6-7. Good luck.
  9. This stuff is no fun at all. If the area you are in was hit hard chances are resources will be at hand. Call your insurance company. Good luck. It will be OK. It's just a drive way......you'll figure it out.
  10. I remember when Jaws came out..........I'm still pretty terrified. People tell me about their adventures, like swimming with and feeding sharks. There is no way on God's green earth.......
  11. I think the first person I met was Pubby, then Johnny J, then LPPT then Solo and KRM. Once me, Solo and KRM got together to say we had a fun time is silly, we had a GREAT time. It's quite a eclectic group here on Pcom.
  12. Blondie, the cat shark videos are hilarious!
  13. Surepip sure is a lucky guy. The first time I met her I thought to myself what a beautiful, grace-filled woman. I look forward to every time I see her. She just seems to radiate class and kindness. No joke.
  14. Not the kind of Catholic that voted for Obama? WTH does that mean?
  15. Yeah really. However, if you posted a Rush site, I'm sure I would question it as well. Here is a story from a site I bet you'll be more accepting of. http://ncronline.org/blogs/distinctly-catholic/immigration-fight-during-august-recess Seems to me, anyway you slice it, this guy is a zealot.
  16. Here is some additional information concerning Mr. King. Seems he has has some relationships with very questionable organizations. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2013/08/07/new-york-times-profile-of-anti-immigrant-activi/195269
  17. I remember reading stories about illegals committing crimes and, after a time, they are deported. Can't say I've ever read a story about illegals committing crimes and just being let go.
  18. Never mind DH, I found it myself. My take on it is that OW is saying the two are the same as to they both sparked the conversation about race relations.
  19. DH, I can't get your link to work. I'd like to see the context where OW compared these two cases.
  20. I thought there was also zoning and permit issues. I would love to buy some of the stone in the front yard.
  21. Trip advisor. Great trip planning aid. Have fun.
  22. Didn't someone post pictures of the inside of this place? Maybe someone else will remember........
  23. As Martha would say.....that's a good thing!
  24. Lucky, this is a joke thread....lighten the heck up! Jeeze!
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