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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. They are advertising season 17.........say what? No way this show has been on for 17 years. What say ye?
  2. He conveyed in his post what I meant to convey. I really wish he would just tell you to go away because you are just a pile of bs.
  3. Since you insist on playing party politics with this latest carnage, turns out you're also wrong. http://forums.military.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/409192893/m/3980059992001
  4. Hey Tow.....where the heck have you been?
  5. Mrs. Apple, I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry for your Dads illness and I truly wish you and your family only the very, very best of luck. Keep us posted.
  6. Here's the heads up girlfriend. The raw and smoked pork chops are the best! The breakfast sausage rocks! The ground meat and all the chicken is GREAT! The steaks? The best around! You will see the values when you get there. This place rocks!
  7. 8-9 weeks. Sinking cute.....sitting on a little girls lap.
  8. Oh, of course....you said that. I was just curious and I'm more than sure he would slay me. Speaking of slaying, I saw a 9 week old Golden today. Yup. I was totally smitten. :wub:
  9. What color is he? What breed does he look like? Puppies slay me.....
  10. Ahhhhhh.......but it's a PUPPY! A very young liddle fuzzy puppy! JJ, thanks for taking him in.
  11. I really hope someone follows up with this story. Do they have cameras?
  12. You expect a private citizen to walk through the doors and demand that they open their books? Really? Although you may have been told this is Mayberry. It really isn't.
  13. Well, I guess it would beat not catching ANYTHING......
  14. Was this put up for a vote? I went to Carrolton today, they have a small amphitheater right off the square. All the merchants around the square are really glad to see it! What else is going to be around this project?
  15. I am over the heat and the bugs too. So, so, so over the bugs! Walked out my kitchen door the other day right into one of those thick spider webs. UGH! Reason I didn't notice it before I walked into it was because I was too busy scratching the 6 different bites I have on my arms and legs. And to the person who crossed over 120 right on front of me, let me tell you, grrrrrr. And to the redneck pig girl that just about blocked the road just because you had to get to the other side of the road, if you don't have the right of way, you can't just take it just cause you want to. If you t
  16. Your link is not what you thought it was. Edit....maybe it's an iPad thing. IDK
  17. I do too. That breed as been adopted as American Pride.
  18. What a pretty girl! She looks like a doll. I really like Rotties. Here is the "but", This what you bought into to own the breed. I get the same thing because I have a shepherd, just not to the same extent. I think the ban order is 1. Rotties 2. Pitts ....maybe someone else has more info.
  19. He takes people for idiots. Guess thats what narcissists do. Turns out, he is the one that is stupid.
  20. Well that stinks, I'm sorry for your disappointment.
  21. I totally, absolutely agree with you Low. I go home and all I see is middle easterners. Everywhere. They are the only ones who can afford the prices in New York. Different world than we are used to.
  22. We are getting ready to recognize 9/11 and you're asking where the threat is? I would love to be out of the Middle East, how do we do that? Honestly, how? Just leave?
  23. I've had ducks....trust me, you will have more ducks than you will know what to do with! Promise!
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