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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I understand the urge never goes away. Oceans of joy huh?
  2. Get with Pubby......he's got the best stuff :ph34r:
  3. WHAT? I love animals but this would fall into the hell no category. I would call SOMEONE. I'm not sure that would work because you live in Alabama. Any laws to protect you?
  4. OK, our simular food tastes has me a bit spooked. I really liked Maggianos baked clams....they quit selling them. I agree, they have become almost like the The Italian Cheesecake Factory.
  5. Sorry Barry.....I just can't bring myself there. Barf.
  6. What a good looking couple they are! Bet it comes from being happy. Good for them.
  7. We all bounce better in younger years eh? Please tell your most fabulous wife to get in touch with me so we can go fishing.....as an incentive, i guarantee a few laughs.
  8. Put a sign out so people know you're open.
  9. Yeah, I saw that when I went to voice my opinion on their website.
  10. Yes. We had two beers and brought home a four slice pizza as well. Btw, the pizza sucked too.
  11. Where that comes from, not too sure cause, trust me, I know it's not all about me.
  12. I guess some folks enjoy this place. Thats good. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
  13. Honestly, I could care less how popular Obama is or isn't. I'm much more concerned with this do nothing congress.
  14. IKR? How we managed to spend that, I have no idea. The people were very nice, I didn't see anybody from Jersey there through. Maybe the key is if they have a $2.99 lunch special you can expect processed, frozen food huh?
  15. If I were to bring any of my New York family or friends there for Italian food I would never hear the end of it. So yeah, I guess we disagree.
  16. Sugary? Whats that? Oops! I forgot that part! Never mind.
  17. Me too. I have a little, tinney, tiny more faith in the left through. Buts it's just teeny.
  18. My treat: Sugar cone, cherry Garcia, good chocolate sprinkles in a bowl. Put cherry Garcia in cone, put cone in sprinkles. Whoa! Pretty bad for you through. Oh well, ya gonna die from something.
  19. But see, there's the rub.....our interest. That's where, evidently, the waters gets pretty muddy.
  20. Where have I been? I've never seen eym Sirius be dishonest. Opinions vary no? That's not being dishonest.
  21. As if Chicago and the border weren't enough to worry about. Then there's this: http://www.pollingreport.com/cong_rep.htm
  22. It would have been Alfredo's but we weren't getting into that traffic. Fusco's rocks, and we will go back there many times.
  23. Is this another attempt at being "funny?"
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